Sounds like a nice place, with a bit of cleanup, of course! I have a ~20 mile commute to school every day, it's not bad at all. I think you just need to
your DH and say, "WE'RE MOVING."
@chickrookie I second this wholeheartedly. Do it. Spare yourself that nasty neighbors. Keep as man roos as you want. Get space and remember how to breathe.
OK just stopped at big R (rural king) in Warsaw. They only had 5 chick's and someone was taking them as I walked up. Not the breed I wanted anyway. So I asked and they said new chicks will be in every mon. Tues. Wed. For the next 6 weeks.
OK just stopped at big R (rural king) in Warsaw. They only had 5 chick's and someone was taking them as I walked up. Not the breed I wanted anyway. So I asked and they said new chicks will be in every mon. Tues. Wed. For the next 6 weeks.

They probably had 50 birds left yesterday at 10am when I was in there. None on the east side of the aisle. I know the easter eggers are over there, but don't recall what the other is.

Moving chicks from the sound of it...
Our rural king in kendalville is disgusting. And full of lazy people. I hate more than anything to see chicks with pasty butt. Out of all their chicks I would say a good 65% had quite a bit of buildup. I asked if anyone was in charge of taking care of the chicks. NO ONE knew what the heck was going on. I ended up taking one chick to the bathroom because he was trying so hard to poop. It broke my heart. But as soon as I got his butt cleaned he pooped a massive poop. Poor guy. Last year I saw the same thing with this specific store. They shouldn't be able to sell chicks.


Anyone looking there's a lot of chicks at RK in Bloomington not many at Martinsville
Nope. There were two red sexlinks and five probably-Australorps. They'd had a lot more Friday, but we just got back from there and they had all of six-and-a-half chicks ( a toddler was running around holding a sexlink pullet on her back in his hands... for a long, long time... such that she was completely drenched in sweat... and his mother knew, and even seemed to be proud of this... because "he's doing it right", "it calms them down", and "we did that with the other twelve chicks we got two years ago, and they're all fine now." Poor birds.
Oh, acornewell, those pics are just sad. I can't believe the ignorance of the store. Our RK/BR has a specific guy that deals with the chicks. They even plastered his name on all the signs, so if anyone has questions they know who to contact. Wow, they should just give those chicks away for the condition they are in. So sad.
Ok everyone I have a question I got a photo from green fire farms the most famous and well known and high quality farm I could find and I'm going to try to immulate them but with my own twist of course the question is though their pen set up

Above picture shows their pen setup my question though is "since I live in Indiana not Florida would these work here or how would I retro fit them for the winter months?
My current idea is just add some removable siding ol glory farm which is in Indiana uses a similar set up but with sides and said their chickens were just fine all winter
I'd like to live out farther away from noise, too. Urban sprawl has been taking over our once peaceful area. As far as commuting to work (your DH), At one time, I a 20 mile commute to work, and it actually was nice to have a little wake up and then wind down time before and after work.

Re worming - I meant to ask if anyone knows if it's better to give wormer to chickens during the day or at bedtime?
Anytime is ok.

I really would like to get everyone wormed now for spring. I might have to get that done today since its so nice.

It was awesome, so warm this weekend!
I need to pick up more meds. Realized most in our first aid kit is expired!
Wouldn't be storage or others would be affected. My guess is that they found some in some nook or cranny where it had been scratched out and molded or maybe got hold of something else. They were just lying together with their heads tucked as if they were sleeping.
I am so sorry.

Quote: We are really considering moving also. Our AG zoned area is being overtaken by vinyl villages.

OK just stopped at big R (rural king) in Warsaw. They only had 5 chick's and someone was taking them as I walked up. Not the breed I wanted anyway. So I asked and they said new chicks will be in every mon. Tues. Wed. For the next 6 weeks.
Thanks for the chick radar report!

Quote: Keeping poultry has become a priority am really pleased to see it.

Anyone looking there's a lot of chicks at RK in Bloomington not many at Martinsville

Thanks for the chick radar report!
Hey guys, I can't remember who helped me add the map to my avatar originally. I'd like to have it updated to the county we live in now.
@slutter or @Mother2Hens

Our rural king in kendalville is disgusting. And full of lazy people. I hate more than anything to see chicks with pasty butt. Out of all their chicks I would say a good 65% had quite a bit of buildup. I asked if anyone was in charge of taking care of the chicks. NO ONE knew what the heck was going on. I ended up taking one chick to the bathroom because he was trying so hard to poop. It broke my heart. But as soon as I got his butt cleaned he pooped a massive poop. Poor guy. Last year I saw the same thing with this specific store. They shouldn't be able to sell chicks.

oh my. That poor chick.
Quote: ugh.

Oh, acornewell, those pics are just sad. I can't believe the ignorance of the store. Our RK/BR has a specific guy that deals with the chicks. They even plastered his name on all the signs, so if anyone has questions they know who to contact. Wow, they should just give those chicks away for the condition they are in. So sad.
I get pretty hateful over it, give them water for pitys sake! A pasted chick is either too cold or dehydrated.. Am glad I wont be buying any this year. Meat birds possibly but if they are pasted up. forget it.

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