Busy busy for sure!
Cleaned up some of the tree mess Sunday.

Pulled 2 of the turkey eggs after candling Tuesday, leaves me with 5 turkey and 7 duck eggs due in a week or so.

My broody silkies (2), had 20 eggs under them, sharing a box. The chicks began hatching which was staggered from while on vaca but after the 4th hatched (1 black silkie, 1 blue silkie and 2 from the frizzled) i took the remaining eggs, candled, only 6 were developed of those. Strange. 1 already internally pipped.

Shocked to get a call from the post office this morning and received 26 chicks from Whitmore farms. 13 blue & splash Ameraucana and 13 Black Copper Marans. Not too many with good feathered shanks which really is disappointing! My boys have great shanks so depending on egg color they may stay.

Then ive been noticing one of my turkey hens coming from the woods alone a few days now. Once i saw she wasn't with the others earlier I went on the hunt.
Well i found remains of eaten eggs, and not too far there she was all nestled in under a briar bush.
She's been sleeping with the others so i know she hasn't gone broody which I'm sure could be due to her eggs disappearing.
No duck eggs or pea eggs that I'm aware of yet.

LOL I remember last year finding egg stashes everywhere, ugh. You are buried in babies for sure! My DD came and got her chicks and I had more leave today. And just locked down about 50 chicken eggs!

Marans have picked up laying here but of course i have no pens built still! ! One of the trees that fell of course is where i am building so i guess its good i hadn't!!
Love your egg color, niced sized eggs too!
A friend of DH's passed away a few weeks ago. He has some beautiful Boar Goats that we have been trying to get a few off him for the past 4 years, they were his pets so he wasn't selling, now that his kids have inherited it all they are selling and DH was first on the call list, SO... we are making a trip north this am to see what we can get, DH already has a billy picked out ( I haven't seen the babies this year ) and I am told they have lots of does, so I may break the bank... lol Will post pic's latter
Hope everyone has a great day.
So sorry to hear about your friend. They look awesome, congrats!

Quote: I bet so, is she broody often?
@amwchickin I am so sorry about your predator losses. We have only had two in six years but went to great lengths to prevent more. Ours don't even free range and we used to have foxes raise kits every year two houses down until the family rebuilt their shed by the creek and I think ruined it as a fox birthing place. Wildlife has to eat, but I sure as heck wish they'd eat other WILDlife and not anyone's poultry! I am glad your Ayam Cemani is cast-iron apparently. Lots of $$$ down the drain if you lose one of those, plus the heartbreak.

Did you check on any of the FB pages for people with Silkies? There is one called Central Indiana something-or-other chicken-related and I'm sure there is some overlap with BYC but not everyone, so you may have some luck there. There is nothing more pitiful than a lonely chick. I think sometimes they can peep themselves to death. That's why I'm keeping my older Biele male chick after my last two random lav Orp chicks leave here tomorrow. I have a gimpy (pullet I think) that is trying too hard to get better for me not to let her try. It's really weird. She can move that affected foot/toes just fine when I put her on her back, but she stands, walks, and runs on her tiptoes. Her legs are completely straight. Never had one with just a bad foot that didn't also have spraddle legs or a swollen hock joint, but she doesn't. She is lightning fast when she puts her mind to it. Anyway, the Biele is 4X her size but he is very gentle and I think she can get out of his way quickly if he accidentally tries to bowl her over, but I'd rather monitor that interaction than listen to her peep pitifully from being alone. I don't have anything due to hatch for 19 more days!
@amwchickin I am so sorry about your predator losses. We have only had two in six years but went to great lengths to prevent more. Ours don't even free range and we used to have foxes raise kits every year two houses down until the family rebuilt their shed by the creek and I think ruined it as a fox birthing place. Wildlife has to eat, but I sure as heck wish they'd eat other WILDlife and not anyone's poultry! I am glad your Ayam Cemani is cast-iron apparently. Lots of $$$ down the drain if you lose one of those, plus the heartbreak.

Did you check on any of the FB pages for people with Silkies? There is one called Central Indiana something-or-other chicken-related and I'm sure there is some overlap with BYC but not everyone, so you may have some luck there. There is nothing more pitiful than a lonely chick. I think sometimes they can peep themselves to death. That's why I'm keeping my older Biele male chick after my last two random lav Orp chicks leave here tomorrow. I have a gimpy (pullet I think) that is trying too hard to get better for me not to let her try. It's really weird. She can move that affected foot/toes just fine when I put her on her back, but she stands, walks, and runs on her tiptoes. Her legs are completely straight. Never had one with just a bad foot that didn't also have spraddle legs or a swollen hock joint, but she doesn't. She is lightning fast when she puts her mind to it. Anyway, the Biele is 4X her size but he is very gentle and I think she can get out of his way quickly if he accidentally tries to bowl her over, but I'd rather monitor that interaction than listen to her peep pitifully from being alone. I don't have anything due to hatch for 19 more days!

We see a pair of fox here every spring too. Its one of many reasons I have pretty much confined most of what I own. I have 2 extra tom turkeys, and my mallards sleep in the goats house. There are a few extra roosters and a small number of EE that free range too, same with them, they stay with my goats. With the donkey and my Buck in the pasture they keep them safe.
Quote: DIL adored her rooster, he was a real lap bird. Big gorgeous fella. She said they laid right through the winters too. She lost her Buckeye flock last fall when they had a stray dog tear open the coop and kill her birds. The coop had hardware cloth but it was a very large dog.
Do ANY of you ladies (or gents!) make old-fashioned dolls, or clothes for Barbie/Skipper/Ken? I "inherited" so many patterns and pattern books for things related to doll crafting and doll clothes that it's not funny. All I wanted was the free batting so I could reupholster a beautiful Lane chest for my DD. I've been trying to sell them really inexpensively (like $5 for 21 Barbie/Skipper/Ken patterns for dozens of clothes patterns), plus some Barbie-sized notions (zippers, buttons, etc.) it's not funny. Also a couple of patterns for some girl's/teen's summerwear adjustable from size 7/8 to 16 depending on the pattern. Everything is vintage, but the styles are prettymuch timeless. ALSO there are some pattern books for knit/crocheted Barbie/Skipper/Ken doll clothes for the yarn lovers!

If ANYONE is interested on here, I will give them away. It could be a lot of postage unless patterns count as media mail or I used flat rate boxes. All I would want is postage if you are too far away to pick them up. Honestly, gas would be cheaper unless you just wanted a few patterns or one of the two sets of booklets (which I know can go as inexpensive media mail).

I can send individuals photos if you PM me. Sorry it's far off topic, but since it's a freebie, I didn't think @jchny2000 or @Mother2Hens or anyone else who helps out with the list would mind too much. I do not want to clutter the list with photos, but I have them all photographed so interested folks can see what I have.

Sadly, there are no chicken doll patterns, though one booklet of dollcrafts actually does have at least one project with livestock, including chickens, on it! Just remembered!
Do ANY of you ladies (or gents!) make old-fashioned dolls, or clothes for Barbie/Skipper/Ken? I "inherited" so many patterns and pattern books for things related to doll crafting and doll clothes that it's not funny. All I wanted was the free batting so I could reupholster a beautiful Lane chest for my DD. I've been trying to sell them really inexpensively (like $5 for 21 Barbie/Skipper/Ken patterns for dozens of clothes patterns), plus some Barbie-sized notions (zippers, buttons, etc.) it's not funny. Also a couple of patterns for some girl's/teen's summerwear adjustable from size 7/8 to 16 depending on the pattern. Everything is vintage, but the styles are prettymuch timeless. ALSO there are some pattern books for knit/crocheted Barbie/Skipper/Ken doll clothes for the yarn lovers!

If ANYONE is interested on here, I will give them away. It could be a lot of postage unless patterns count as media mail or I used flat rate boxes. All I would want is postage if you are too far away to pick them up. Honestly, gas would be cheaper unless you just wanted a few patterns or one of the two sets of booklets (which I know can go as inexpensive media mail).

I can send individuals photos if you PM me. Sorry it's far off topic, but since it's a freebie, I didn't think @jchny2000 or @Mother2Hens or anyone else who helps out with the list would mind too much. I do not want to clutter the list with photos, but I have them all photographed so interested folks can see what I have.

Sadly, there are no chicken doll patterns, though one booklet of dollcrafts actually does have at least one project with livestock, including chickens, on it! Just remembered!
@PeacefulWalls sews, she may have an interest or know someone that does. I do also but things that tiny oh my, no way my hands will do that anymore.
I don't know if this is allowed here or not but this is something I feel very strongly about so I am sorry if I it's not allowed.
If you are against Animal Cruelty, if you love horses or if you respect the wild horses and borrows please follow this link and sign, need 15000 by Tuesday and they arent close yet. Please it wont take long at all!!!!!!
Thank you and again I am sorry if This kind of thing is not allowed here.
Okay so i am a woman of my nearly 40 that enjoy/LOVE my farm life, yet love being very nearly a woman in the old fashioned sense, so here I am, enjoying Pearl Jam... My "old man" haha already too much for him and once again outlasting him!! :/

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