@ellymayRans , congratulations on the baby turkeys! They're always so darned cute!

Hey tell me what you need. I have downsized a LOT. Send me a pm we will get you where you need to be. I have one coop completely empty. With the other issues you have you need to lessen the load. And no its the other Holland tom. He has become pretty dominant.
M2H : our chickies arent helping in the flowerbeds - at least not for a while . . . . . . . . .
this is the suprise they got to play in yesterday , & more arriving today .

O I hate that white stuff!!!! Thought we were done with all that this year!!!

Thats a cray looking bird

Any post is ok as long as it meets BYC guidelines, family friendly.. Going to check it out tho, looks like its directed to saving horses.

ROFL!!! Mine went to bed at 9, I am watching "pulp fiction" never seen the movie! DIL asked me if I had. Geez i live a sheltered life
Oh and Pearl Jam flat rocks, love it!
It's about the mustangs and what the BLM has in mind for them. Just Flatt cruel!!!!

Guess I have also lived a sheltered life, I have never even heard of the movie, will have to look it up I guess.
Finally the weather has broken in the northern part of the state. I fiddled around with and got this mostly done yesterday. The tank is an old water softener reservoir that I stripped the guts out of and cleaned. Then it was just some PVC fittings to get the cups arranged.

I also managed to make a kinda-gutter for the lower portion of the new coop roof, as it wouldn't take a normal gutter and mounting system, but I think it will work. So hopefully I don't have to spend the summer toting water all over the place,

@Indyshent You can see a nurse at CVS Minute Clinic and Walgreens and they can prescribe meds. Also, AZO for bladder pain works well. Good luck.
From your and Janet's descriptions, I've definitely got 3 pea eggs. Muscovies and turkeys are laying everywhere. I have about 3 dozen duck eggs ready to go in the incubator as well as a dozen dark cornish eggs. I'm also ready to start collecting Bresse eggs. Legbars and Mottled Javas still haven't been penned up, so running behind on them. Also have two broody chickens and a broody turkey hen. I'm trying to figure out how to get them moved to a safe spot so they can incubate for me.

I don't have any advice on the tom. I've never had an aggressive tom. Is he your only tom? Maybe because I have multiple toms, they focus their attention on each other.
Been busy, but thought I'd drop in to show off my funny, little 80s hair band. I sold one today, so I'm down to 5. Still I have no way of knowing the sex. All have black "spitz" but since I hatched them, I highly doubt all are female. I should be able to see some pink comb or wattles, but so far, none. If anyone has advice on how to sex this breed (aside from crowing vs eggs), please let me know. They're 4 weeks old.
Congrats! I believe @pbirdhaven raises/raised them. She may be able to give you some pointers.

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