I just posted this on the free to a good home thread. They are the handsomest little guys!
More likely an EE. Lots of confusion about the two. He'll still do anything an Ameraucana likely would (except give you show babies).

Well, maybe if he gets frisky with some of my hens I'll end up with Olive Eggers haha. Speaking of "Show Birds", I thinking I'm going to enter my Wellsummer, Blue Orpington, Brahma Buff, Buff Orpington, and RIR in the state fair
Probably won't get anything, but it'll be fun!
Well, it looks like both of the recent hatches were too early. The second one is way too early. Prognosis is very small for that one. The little buff (most likely Bourbon) chick is doing much, much better today. The older chick is pretty mean to her--pecks at her eyes sometimes, tries to mount her and otherwise roughhouse. I sometimes separate them, but (think this one's a she) *she* needs food and water, too, and she hates being alone and will flop around until she finds him. She doesn't walk well yet, but she's doing so much better today.
Morning, folks. I want to mention real quick that my Lavender Palm turkey hen went missing just before dark last night, or possibly in the afternoon. (I thought I saw her when I fed them scratch at dusk, but now I'm not so sure.) So just in case anyone from Noblesville or Westfield comes on here saying they found a lost turkey...

I looked all over, and there are no signs of a struggle, no piles of feathers anywhere. I think she must have wandered/flew off and lost her way, because I can't imagine any wild animal taking on a full grown turkey without disturbing quite a few feathers. So I'm going to go drive around and put up signs.

She is white with grey stripes on wings and tail, for anyone not familiar with palm turkeys.
Morning, folks. I want to mention real quick that my Lavender Palm turkey hen went missing just before dark last night, or possibly in the afternoon. (I thought I saw her when I fed them scratch at dusk, but now I'm not so sure.) So just in case anyone from Noblesville or Westfield comes on here saying they found a lost turkey...

I looked all over, and there are no signs of a struggle, no piles of feathers anywhere. I think she must have wandered/flew off and lost her way, because I can't imagine any wild animal taking on a full grown turkey without disturbing quite a few feathers. So I'm going to go drive around and put up signs.

She is white with grey stripes on wings and tail, for anyone not familiar with palm turkeys.

Update on my lost but now found turkey:

She did go over to the neighborhood adjacent to my property yesterday afternoon and made new friends with a couple who were putting up Christmas lights. They did not know what to do with her and were worried about coyotes getting her, so they called animal control who took her to a wildlife rehabilitation place in Westfield. Then the couple posted the found turkey on their neighborhood association message board.

Lucky for me, my next door neighbor's son has a friend who lives in that neighborhood. The son must talk to his friend about my birds. Or the friend sees them when he comes over to play. So when the friend's mom saw the posting this morning, she called my neighbor and asked if the turkey was mine. In short, there were a lot of calls and texts back and forth getting my number to the "finder", who finally called me and let me know where Swan was. Then I drove to the rehab place and got my turkey back! :D

So, SO grateful that she is safe home and did not get taken by a predator!
Well, it looks like both of the recent hatches were too early. The second one is way too early. Prognosis is very small for that one. The little buff (most likely Bourbon) chick is doing much, much better today. The older chick is pretty mean to her--pecks at her eyes sometimes, tries to mount her and otherwise roughhouse. I sometimes separate them, but (think this one's a she) *she* needs food and water, too, and she hates being alone and will flop around until she finds him. She doesn't walk well yet, but she's doing so much better today.
The super-preemie poult is alive today. Yolk sac is receding, but something broke and started bleeding. Put blu-kote and cornstarch on it to staunch bleeding and disinfect/help clot. Biggest poul is being not-as-mean today, but still strutting everywhere and being an obnoxious, adorable little stinker.
Well, it looks like both of the recent  hatches were too early. The second one is way too early. Prognosis is very small for that one. The little buff (most likely Bourbon) chick is doing much, much better today. The older chick is pretty mean to her--pecks at her eyes sometimes, tries to mount her and otherwise roughhouse. I sometimes separate them, but (think this one's a she) *she* needs food and water, too, and she hates being alone and will flop around until she finds him. She doesn't walk well yet, but she's doing so much better today. 

The super-preemie poult is alive today. Yolk sac is receding, but something broke and started bleeding. Put blu-kote and cornstarch on it to staunch bleeding and disinfect/help clot. Biggest poul is being not-as-mean today, but still strutting everywhere and being an obnoxious, adorable little stinker. 

I hope your little guy makes it!
Oh finnie. Glad you got your turkey back. When you posted I thought "oh great, someone trying to hunt took her" being so close to the holidays. Glad she's home and safe. Lol, I am glad the neighbors weren't scared of her or a dog got to her.

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