This is a long shot, but there's a chicken in my parking lot and I wonder if anyone knows who it might belong to?

I'm at Girls School Road between Rockville Road and Washington Street in West Indianapolis.

If anyone knows anyone keeping chickens in this area, she's a RIR hen, been out here hiding under cars all morning.

My number is three 17 919 six oh 7 six if anyone wants to call or text me.
This is a long shot, but there's a chicken in my parking lot and I wonder if anyone knows who it might belong to?

I'm at Girls School Road between Rockville Road and Washington Street in West Indianapolis.

If anyone knows anyone keeping chickens in this area, she's a RIR hen, been out here hiding under cars all morning.

My number is three 17 919 six oh 7 six if anyone wants to call or text me.

Hmmmm wonder if someone dumped her?

If no one shows up to claim her, can you take her home?
Hmmmm wonder if someone dumped her?

If no one shows up to claim her, can you take her home?

I could take it home. Right now I have no chickens in my coop - that's a long sad story. But I don't really want to adopt a random bird. But I really don't know what else to do besides call animal control, and I can't imagine they'll do anything but put it down anyway. So I'm not sure how to proceed.

@twoacrefarm @pipdzipdnreadytogo How did you get your chickens to sit still so you could take their picture? lol

I've posted a few pictures that I took of our chickens. I took about 15, but only 3 turned out well enough to share. Most of the others were blurry because the chickens were running around the pen!
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@twoacrefarm The length of tail feathers is not reliable at all to tell chick gender. You'll probably have to wait until about the age of pipdznreadytogo's pics that were last posted, to judge by comb redness and size.

My chicks from last year that were bred from my own birds had a slow growing tail gene in some of the boys. Some looked like untufted Aracaunas for a long time.
There are some animal rescue people who are coming to get her.
I'm glad. Worst case, you could have tossed her over my fence, and I could have easily found her a new home. My neighbors have lost most of their hens to dog attacks (but mostly because their birds "free ranged" through the neighborhood. Very adventurous birds)
@twoacrefarm @pipdzipdnreadytogo How did you get your chickens to sit still so you could take their picture? lol :weee I've posted a few pictures that I took of our chickens. I took about 15, but only 3 turned out well enough to share. Most of the others were blurry because the chickens were running around the pen!
Well, I kind of cheat for my good pictures. :lol: I have a really good camera that can take crystal clear pictures of them even when they move. Case in point, some 'outtakes' from that photo shoot:
I still have to take a ton of pictures to get the good ones, but it does make it a little easier. :D
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Well, I kind of cheat for my good pictures.
I have a really good camera that can take crystal clear pictures of them even when they move. Case in point, some 'outtakes' from that photo shoot:

I still have to take a ton of pictures to get the good ones, but it does make it a little easier.

I actually like this out-take.
I also take a lot of pics & think I get some good ones only because of the volume.

Here are some pics from this morning:

Some chickens always strike a pose:

Others just look grumpy. LOL

I actually took my camera outside to take pics of what has become our daily visitor. I kept the flock inside the run longer than usual, so that explains all of their the grumpy expressions.


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