We actually have had several "Chickenfests" over the years in different parts of the state which have offered workshops. We have also had "processing days" where we get together and process birds, chickens, turkeys, ducks and it was a great social experience with folks to meet here face to face and learn from one another.

Where are you located? Many of us do our own processing and would happily offer to share our knowledge and make you more comfortable with it.

I am located in Indianapolis. I will definitely check out the chickenfests and processing days, I know I would love to learn from someone experienced. Thank you for the information.
I have the Little Giant 6300, with the heater in the lid, but we for have the fan or turning tray. I cracked the eggs from the last try and found that even though they were fertilized they didn't developed beyond day 3 or 4. With the eggs being porous, I can't see any veins. But Im on day 11 of this batch, with only 3 eggs that's have developed out of the 4 I started with. And the air cell is extremely bright with one egg, and has grown sine 4/7/17 and with this one, I can a fairly large dark spot in the yolk. Im hoping that I get at least this one, this time!!

I have one LO that has been giving me eggs with a porous shell. It is very obvious when i look at them with a flashlight. None of those eggs have ever been fertile for me. I give them calcium in addition to their "All Flock." So, I don't know if it's true every time but the porous eggs have proved no good here. I don't bother putting them into the incubator anymore.
I've been using 2 "cooler-baters" that I built last winter for incubating and hatching. I modified a store bought egg turner to fit into one of them, use water heater thermostats, a couple 40w bulbs in each for heat. The first season was a learning curve, I re-worked this and that and finally both of them were holding steady and I started getting good hatch rates. The incubator has an 80mm computer fan moving the air. I have sponges and water reservoirs but don't generally pay much attention to humidity for the first 18 days. It naturally stays around 25-30%. The hatcher has more sponges that I keep full and humidity is up around 60-65%. I have a smaller fan in the hatcher, it's a little 40mm fan. I was having trouble with chicks getting stuck during zipping because it was moving too much air.

I had one small hatch go well this Spring but then when I really had it loaded up for hatch #2 I started having problems. My fan went out in the incubator and the temp fell down to 92 for a day. I candled some and could still see movement so I put all 2 dozen eggs into the hatcher on day 15. I manually turned them for the first two days and left the humidity low. I kept having trouble with the temp wanting to stay on the low side, around 96-97 degrees. I made one little adjustment to the thermostat and bam, had a temp spike up to 109!!

I figured they were all dead, a mix of silkie/showgirls and LO. The temp spike happened on day 19 and today was hatch day. Low and behold I have 2 externally pipped, both LO eggs. It will be a miracle if they end up making it but we'll see. In the past when I had temperature swings during incubation some of the chicks came out with curled or deformed toes. Hopefully that won't be the case this time.

I too had a spike his weekend. Home made styrofoam incubator and first run so I didn't even think what the warmer temperatures would make happen. 104.6 was highest and not for more than 3 hours. Praying they are ok. Today is day 18. Sad that you had such a spike but good to know some made it through that! Hoping they are healthy. I'm anxious. This is going to be the longest three weeks ever...and, I saw your pictures somewhere on here. I think I have some of your eggs in here....I think ;-)
How long can eggs in the incubator go without being turned? I put some in at the preschool on Thurs night. On Sat, someone called to tell me that the temp & humidity were perfect, but the turner wasn't working. She was on her way out the door & yesterday was Easter. I plan to go in to fix it today.
Quote: I do processing at my farm and have taught quite a few people over the years. Whenever I plan to do a processing day, I post on here to see if anyone is interested in learning how. It probably won't be until late summer or fall, but I will definitely be processing again this year. And I always have a processing day the weekend before Thanksgiving.
How long can eggs in the incubator go without being turned?  I put some in at the preschool on Thurs night.  On Sat, someone called to tell me that the temp & humidity were perfect, but the turner wasn't working.  She was on her way out the door & yesterday was Easter.  I plan to go in to fix it today.

They should be fine. I let my shipped eggs sit a day or two in the incubator before I start turning them. I've also gotten away with only turning once a day. No issues

I do processing at my farm and have taught quite a few people over the years.  Whenever I plan to do a processing day, I post on here to see if anyone is interested in learning how.  It probably won't be until late summer or fall, but I will definitely be processing again this year.  And I always have a processing day the weekend before Thanksgiving.

Lov'em!! Such a great time!
Hello! I'm new to chickens an recently bought 2 buff Orpington, 2 silver laced wyandotte, and 2 black austrolorp from Rural King. Then my son decided he would like to show in 4H. Does anyone know of a breeder of show chickens near southern indiana? LF, Brahma, cochin, or other friendly breed preferred. Thanks!
I do processing at my farm and have taught quite a few people over the years.  Whenever I plan to do a processing day, I post on here to see if anyone is interested in learning how.  It probably won't be until late summer or fall, but I will definitely be processing again this year.  And I always have a processing day the weekend before Thanksgiving.

Great thank you for the information, I would love to come to your next processing day.

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