I finally came up with names for my two baby polish Buff chicks
Meet Cagney and Lacey
Fingers Crossed - I'm experimenting with a new broody. Veteran mama- who hatched eggs like a pro once last year has lost all parenting rights. Last hatch she abandoned and pecked. When I tried to put day olds under her she attacked them.

Sooo, I have one broody girl who has only been broody 10-14 days but is very determined. I brought her in, and put her in my big brooder. Before I went and got the 2 chicks I turned out the lights and covered her up - bedtime! She zonked out and I was able to slip the babies under her when I got home. She and the babies seem very happy right now. If I reach in she wants to rip my hand off.

So I am playing lights out for a another hour or so, then will wake her up and see how things go. I know you are supposed to do this in the wee hours of the AM. I am just trying to duplicate that idea b/c I just don't think I can get up at 5 AM tomorrow! I have slept so little the past few days and am fighting a migraine. Everyone was sleeping and I hear happy chirps right now, so fingers crossed! I really hope this mama works. My main concern is putting them out with the general population for a wedding at the beginning of June. I think they will adapt much better with a mama to defend them!

Big thank you to @Angels Eggs for bailing me out and taking the other 2 babies! I wish I could have taken them all but it just wasn't possible right now.

Anyone interested in 1 or 2 Gold Laced Polish? They come to Agrarian a week from today, April 19. I ordered 2- hoping to scrape up enough to maybe keep one. If anyone would like to help me with that order I'd be very appreciative!

This is just a random pic of a teenaged Gold Laced Polish from Backyard chickens but a cute one:

I have wanted Polish for 3 years- the one chicken I really wanted at the beginning of this journey! Got 3, two years ago from an NPIP breeder and they ended up coming to me with lice. (never even occurred to me that could happen with newly hatched! But they were in her breeding barn on the dirt) I lost most of 19 chicks from that group. I have a Buckeye and 2 Silkies that made it. It was horrible. So praying these babies make it!
Hi, Flyladyrocks-
Did you get anybody to take your other 2 chicks yet?
If we took them, we'd want to have the pair so they could have each other.
Thanks, Pauline
My Easter hatch along was semi successful! I did 3 sets of shipped eggs all from BYC members. 1 batch just for fun of a slew of breeds. Great offer that I'd hatched from before so I figured why not! Right!?! Lol!

I hatched 3 Blue Exchequer leghorns, 3 Lavender Marans (1 died), 1 Blue Rock, 1 CCL,3 olive Eggers, 5 Blue/splash Marans (1 died), 4 quail (1 died) and 3 of my own bantam Mille Fleur Cochins! ;)

I have 3 broods of chicks right now. The 12 Cornish Rock crosses are doing well, then I have a brood of my Mille Fleur Cochins, a OE NN, a few chicks I'd gotten a while back from RK then the brood of the Easter hatches!

I have 16 Mille Fleur Cochins eggs from a different breeder, 6 from mine and 10 turkey eggs all in the Bator. I am having to hunt turkey nests, gathered 6 more today and a hen was on a nest so I couldn't get those yet. Finding some eaten because I've not found all the nests yet. Only 2 from 5 hens. Ugh!!

I'm trying to keep them from going broody so we shall see. I'm moving the Midget Whites so I can put the Bourbons and Narragansetts in the larger pen.

Some picks of my chicks ;)



Our pup Lucy. She's getting big fast. 4 Mos old the 26th.

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