Does anyone breed Dominiques?
Does anyone breed Dominiques?   :caf

One of my original was a Dominique years ago and loved her. Very good egg layer and personality! I've tried several times to aquire more and finally got a few from the Bloomington RK a few weeks ago. Pullets though so unfortunately I don't have a roo as of yet but hopefully I will find one by the time they're grown. I would prefer non hatchery stock but just got what I could find.
Well bad news. Looks like our hive didn't survive the winter. Pretty bummed but hey, it happens. On the positive side, looks like we might be expanding our garden to a little over 2,000sqft. We are super excited!!!
Bummer on the hive.... Did you just have one hive?

I'm still putting off getting more bees due to an over-busy life in the last few months. But I did clean out the top bar hive and set it out to see if it might attract a swarm. Maybe I'll relent and get some if things calm down around here and try again. My husband began building a large horizontal hive but it isn't finished and we're so busy that I don't want to have him take on another thing unless he just wants to.
Here's a challenge for anyone who cares to play the 'Guess the gender" game:

This Blue English Orpington ia the result of a lav orp roo x mauve orp hen. Daddy was a very leggy cockerel who grew giant pink comb/wattles by 4 weeks. Mama hen had a small pink comb as a pullet.

This Chick just turned 7 weeks old. I've never had one take this long to figure out. Comb looks female; wattles look male (IMO)
Pics were all taken today and are all the same chick.

Today she looks more like a she, but yesterday I was leaning toward male.

Any guesses????

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