We did have a late blizzard mid-April last year. I remember because I was driving home from Michigan. Roads suddenly got bad between Anderson and Noblesville. My daughter went out and made a snow man. In April. :rolleyes:
We got the same snow in the Chicago area last year.
I made a snow chicken:

but my hens quickly ate it.

It was worse for our friends to the north. Many schools in WI had to cancel school b/c they got over a 15". We only got a couple inches, and it melted in 2 days. It was more annoying.

This "spring" it was cold again, but the rain & flooding is making things difficult. Still dealing with the flooding, but it's finally warm.
Does anyone else think the weather is really off? Glad your ok though.
According to WSBT meteorologists there's been 10" of rain in 36 days measured at The South Bend airport, which is 2 & 1/2 times the normal amount. The period between April 27-June 1 has been the wettest in recorded history, and we haven't had three straight dry days since early January.

In my opinion this is very off from the norm.
Been really depressed the last 2 days! I brought home a 5 year old Border Collie Male named Toby on the 25th. We drove 1 hour 30 minutes to pick him up. We didn't get home till midnight that day. Right as we got off the highway and pulled into the gas station down the street from our house, the front driver side tire on my sisters van was flat! We had to air it up quickly and rush home. We live about 2 minutes from the gas station. By the time we got home the tire was flat again. My sister had to be at work at 4am that morning too.
My husband thought he would be helpful and put Toby on a chain to use to bathroom so I didn't have too when I woke up to take my sister to work at 3am. (No we do not keep our dogs on chains, we just didn't want Toby jumping our 4ft temp. fence.) Well the moment my husband walked him outside on the leash to go to the chain, Toby slipped off his collar jumped our 4ft fence and took off. We searched everywhere in the neighborhood for him. It was dark outside, where we live, there is no street lights. Toby is mainly Black and hard to see in the dark. He doesn't have a full white collar like traditional Border Collies. Toby is terrified of any and all noises too. I've been going door to door the past 2 days giving out my information and information on Toby.
The previous owners never had him Microchipped and he isn't wearing a collar now. SO he looks just like a stray! We live right next to two very busy roads too! We just had a crazy storm today with heavy hail, all I can think about is how terrified Toby is right now. All the thunder and lighting scaring him. Only one lady said she saw him at 4 am and tried to catch him but he took off towards the busy road.
I spent all afternoon calling Animal SHelters to report Toby missing.
Any more sightings of Toby?
Nope! Everyone says they never seen him. I'm starting to feel like he was caught by someone and stolen. I've called the animal shelters around me everyday asking for updates. Nothing so far!
Any more sightings of Toby?

Anyone interested in Coonhound mix Puppies? I just took in three 8 week old puppies that were dumped on a super busy road and my youngest brother brought them to me.
Whelp just seen Toby today! He was being walked by 3 little kids around age 7 and below. I asked them where their parents were, and they took off running home dragging Toby with them. I walked up to their door and knocked, the mother answered the door. As the mother was coming to the door, I herd her yelling at the kids that she warned them not to take him outside so soon. She came to the door and instantly said She is not giving back my dog and doesn't care what I do about it. Then shut the door in my face. I knocked on this families house the day Toby went missing and she looked me dead in the eyes saying no she never seen him. I went to Lake County Office to speak to a police officer in person and explain my situation. A lake County Sheriff was dispatched to the families house to get their side of the story and to check on Toby. The mother told the Sheriff that Toby wasn't their dog that they found him, but she refuses to give him up. The mother also said that she wants proof that Toby is my dog. The Sheriff came back to my house saying that I have to provide proof that Toby was indeed my dog. I explained to the Officer that I just brought him home the 26th at midnight and he ran away at 3 am that morning , that he wasn't microchipped yet, and that I only had two pictures of him that the previous owners sent me from their CL ad. One of the pictures shows a scar on his snout. I showed the Sheriff and he confirmed it was indeed Toby, but they still refuse to give him back. The Sheriff said we would have to go to court to settle this if I want my dog back. So instead we made a deal in front of the Sheriff. The deal was, Toby is not to be mistreated, that I get to check up on him once a month and If they ever want to get rid of Toby , that they have to give him back to me. That they can not sell him or re-home him to anyone. And that Toby must be microchipped with both our information listed. So I ordered AKC Reunite Microchip. It allows for Owners and Co-Owners to be listed. And in order to change ownership of the dog's microchip, both Owner and Co-Owners have to sign and confirm either by the registered email or registered phone number listed for both Owner and Co-Owner on the AKC Reunite Website.

Another thing on the deal was that the Sheriff told the family that they have to pay for Toby's shots and that he needs them updated within the next week order they will get a ticket for an un-vaccinated animal.

The mother had the nerve to come to my house after the Sheriff left and ask me for Toby's shot records and asked if Toby was registered as a purebred!! I nicely told her no that I would not give her his records and that yes he is registered but I wasn't going to give his pedigree to her and I wasn't tell her which registry he was with. She walked away saying a ton of hateful words and peeled out of my driveway. All of this was caught on my security camera sound and all!

I'm pretty upset about the entire ordeal, but I'm happy Toby is safe.
And Toby's previous owners said they never took him to the vet since they got him at 8 weeks old. So Toby needed all his shots updated and I didn't have any shot records on him, but didn't want to tell her that.
Does anyone know how to get rid of bee's without harming my dogs? A ton of bees have made themselves a home inside and on my dog's outdoor dog kennel.
If its honetbees folks will come and remove for free.
Whelp just seen Toby today! He was being walked by 3 little kids around age 7 and below. I asked them where their parents were, and they took off running home dragging Toby with them. I walked up to their door and knocked, the mother answered the door. As the mother was coming to the door, I herd her yelling at the kids that she warned them not to take him outside so soon. She came to the door and instantly said She is not giving back my dog and doesn't care what I do about it. Then shut the door in my face. I knocked on this families house the day Toby went missing and she looked me dead in the eyes saying no she never seen him. I went to Lake County Office to speak to a police officer in person and explain my situation. A lake County Sheriff was dispatched to the families house to get their side of the story and to check on Toby. The mother told the Sheriff that Toby wasn't their dog that they found him, but she refuses to give him up. The mother also said that she wants proof that Toby is my dog. The Sheriff came back to my house saying that I have to provide proof that Toby was indeed my dog. I explained to the Officer that I just brought him home the 26th at midnight and he ran away at 3 am that morning , that he wasn't microchipped yet, and that I only had two pictures of him that the previous owners sent me from their CL ad. One of the pictures shows a scar on his snout. I showed the Sheriff and he confirmed it was indeed Toby, but they still refuse to give him back. The Sheriff said we would have to go to court to settle this if I want my dog back. So instead we made a deal in front of the Sheriff. The deal was, Toby is not to be mistreated, that I get to check up on him once a month and If they ever want to get rid of Toby , that they have to give him back to me. That they can not sell him or re-home him to anyone. And that Toby must be microchipped with both our information listed. So I ordered AKC Reunite Microchip. It allows for Owners and Co-Owners to be listed. And in order to change ownership of the dog's microchip, both Owner and Co-Owners have to sign and confirm either by the registered email or registered phone number listed for both Owner and Co-Owner on the AKC Reunite Website.

Another thing on the deal was that the Sheriff told the family that they have to pay for Toby's shots and that he needs them updated within the next week order they will get a ticket for an un-vaccinated animal.

The mother had the nerve to come to my house after the Sheriff left and ask me for Toby's shot records and asked if Toby was registered as a purebred!! I nicely told her no that I would not give her his records and that yes he is registered but I wasn't going to give his pedigree to her and I wasn't tell her which registry he was with. She walked away saying a ton of hateful words and peeled out of my driveway. All of this was caught on my security camera sound and all!

I'm pretty upset about the entire ordeal, but I'm happy Toby is safe.
And Toby's previous owners said they never took him to the vet since they got him at 8 weeks old. So Toby needed all his shots updated and I didn't have any shot records on him, but didn't want to tell her that.
I'd go to small claims you have photos. But you have to decide whats ok for you.
Whelp just seen Toby today! He was being walked by 3 little kids around age 7 and below. I asked them where their parents were, and they took off running home dragging Toby with them. I walked up to their door and knocked, the mother answered the door. As the mother was coming to the door, I herd her yelling at the kids that she warned them not to take him outside so soon. She came to the door and instantly said She is not giving back my dog and doesn't care what I do about it. Then shut the door in my face. I knocked on this families house the day Toby went missing and she looked me dead in the eyes saying no she never seen him. I went to Lake County Office to speak to a police officer in person and explain my situation. A lake County Sheriff was dispatched to the families house to get their side of the story and to check on Toby. The mother told the Sheriff that Toby wasn't their dog that they found him, but she refuses to give him up. The mother also said that she wants proof that Toby is my dog. The Sheriff came back to my house saying that I have to provide proof that Toby was indeed my dog. I explained to the Officer that I just brought him home the 26th at midnight and he ran away at 3 am that morning , that he wasn't microchipped yet, and that I only had two pictures of him that the previous owners sent me from their CL ad. One of the pictures shows a scar on his snout. I showed the Sheriff and he confirmed it was indeed Toby, but they still refuse to give him back. The Sheriff said we would have to go to court to settle this if I want my dog back. So instead we made a deal in front of the Sheriff. The deal was, Toby is not to be mistreated, that I get to check up on him once a month and If they ever want to get rid of Toby , that they have to give him back to me. That they can not sell him or re-home him to anyone. And that Toby must be microchipped with both our information listed. So I ordered AKC Reunite Microchip. It allows for Owners and Co-Owners to be listed. And in order to change ownership of the dog's microchip, both Owner and Co-Owners have to sign and confirm either by the registered email or registered phone number listed for both Owner and Co-Owner on the AKC Reunite Website.

Another thing on the deal was that the Sheriff told the family that they have to pay for Toby's shots and that he needs them updated within the next week order they will get a ticket for an un-vaccinated animal.

The mother had the nerve to come to my house after the Sheriff left and ask me for Toby's shot records and asked if Toby was registered as a purebred!! I nicely told her no that I would not give her his records and that yes he is registered but I wasn't going to give his pedigree to her and I wasn't tell her which registry he was with. She walked away saying a ton of hateful words and peeled out of my driveway. All of this was caught on my security camera sound and all!

I'm pretty upset about the entire ordeal, but I'm happy Toby is safe.
And Toby's previous owners said they never took him to the vet since they got him at 8 weeks old. So Toby needed all his shots updated and I didn't have any shot records on him, but didn't want to tell her that.
I can understand wanting proof that the dog was yours (& not just handing him over to anyone off the street.) But actively trying to take your dog and request you hand over the pedigree is crazy.

My friend co-owns a dog with a breeder & it's working out great for both parties. However in their case it was a planned arrangement - not a forced deal. I really hope this situation doesn't get worse for you.

My friend's family got a purebred female puppy for free. They feed, house, train, and love the dog as their own. The breeder pays for all the vet visits & shots. The breeder also takes the dog whenever they go on vacation and twice in her life for puppies. (Just before she's due until the pups are weaned). The breeder of course gets all the puppies to sell. The family visits their dog (& her puppies) once a week when at the breeder's.
We have 2 hatches left, chocolate Orp due the 9th. 1 more Maran hatch from David then done this year. I'm very disappointed with Meyer hatchery. 2 years in a row cancelled my order for geese couldn't fill it.
Cows, Daisy and Elsa both went to train at our friends house. Both are bred. They will be shown late summer at 4H. KC is scheduled to be processed September. My brother offered to pay for processing its a huge amount of work. This year I said OK Ya know sometimes you need to let go and say OK..
Whelp just seen Toby today! He was being walked by 3 little kids around age 7 and below. I asked them where their parents were, and they took off running home dragging Toby with them. I walked up to their door and knocked, the mother answered the door. As the mother was coming to the door, I herd her yelling at the kids that she warned them not to take him outside so soon. She came to the door and instantly said She is not giving back my dog and doesn't care what I do about it. Then shut the door in my face. I knocked on this families house the day Toby went missing and she looked me dead in the eyes saying no she never seen him. I went to Lake County Office to speak to a police officer in person and explain my situation. A lake County Sheriff was dispatched to the families house to get their side of the story and to check on Toby. The mother told the Sheriff that Toby wasn't their dog that they found him, but she refuses to give him up. The mother also said that she wants proof that Toby is my dog. The Sheriff came back to my house saying that I have to provide proof that Toby was indeed my dog. I explained to the Officer that I just brought him home the 26th at midnight and he ran away at 3 am that morning , that he wasn't microchipped yet, and that I only had two pictures of him that the previous owners sent me from their CL ad. One of the pictures shows a scar on his snout. I showed the Sheriff and he confirmed it was indeed Toby, but they still refuse to give him back. The Sheriff said we would have to go to court to settle this if I want my dog back. So instead we made a deal in front of the Sheriff. The deal was, Toby is not to be mistreated, that I get to check up on him once a month and If they ever want to get rid of Toby , that they have to give him back to me. That they can not sell him or re-home him to anyone. And that Toby must be microchipped with both our information listed. So I ordered AKC Reunite Microchip. It allows for Owners and Co-Owners to be listed. And in order to change ownership of the dog's microchip, both Owner and Co-Owners have to sign and confirm either by the registered email or registered phone number listed for both Owner and Co-Owner on the AKC Reunite Website.

Another thing on the deal was that the Sheriff told the family that they have to pay for Toby's shots and that he needs them updated within the next week order they will get a ticket for an un-vaccinated animal.

The mother had the nerve to come to my house after the Sheriff left and ask me for Toby's shot records and asked if Toby was registered as a purebred!! I nicely told her no that I would not give her his records and that yes he is registered but I wasn't going to give his pedigree to her and I wasn't tell her which registry he was with. She walked away saying a ton of hateful words and peeled out of my driveway. All of this was caught on my security camera sound and all!

I'm pretty upset about the entire ordeal, but I'm happy Toby is safe.
And Toby's previous owners said they never took him to the vet since they got him at 8 weeks old. So Toby needed all his shots updated and I didn't have any shot records on him, but didn't want to tell her that.
Wow! I would be smoking angry!! Glad you know where is he, and have some control over his future.
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