Anyone have chicks expected to hatch around next weekend?

I've decided to pick up a chick at a local store in Indianapolis called 'Agragarian'. I can buy one chick there, and that'll be perfect to go with my lone embro, should she hatch!

Here's a question for you--do you think brooding two 5-week olds with two day-old chicks would cause problems? I imagine that the 5-week olds would peck the newborns. Your thoughts?
I wouldn't put them together. The span of ages is too great not to mention the size of the 5 week olds.

I would put them side by side, if possible, with fencing between and a top so that they can't fly over. That way they see each other and are accustomed to each other when you try to integrate.

I've had that span before. I said never again because of having to keep them separate and the integration wasn't easy as usual. My set up they were side by side like I describe.
Too bad it's not early spring. One of those kids would be very tempting for me in spring...
We should have kids in the spring too.
I've decided to pick up a chick at a local store in Indianapolis called 'Agragarian'. I can buy one chick there, and that'll be perfect to go with my lone embro, should she hatch!

Here's a question for you--do you think brooding two 5-week olds with two day-old chicks would cause problems? I imagine that the 5-week olds would peck the newborns. Your thoughts?
I wouldn't, the bigger chicks would probably trample them, and the difference in brooding temperature the 5 week olds would be way too hot.
Think I am going to plant peas again, they tolerate frost so I should have enough time. Some of the tomato plants are about died out so I have room. The sugar snap peas never make it in the house, lol everyone loves them. My goats climb all over each other they get some as treats.
A family friend just lost his entire chicken flock. His coop had some rot damage, and a raccoon family discovered it before he did :(. He stopped by to see if I had any layers for sale. I offered to hatch but its too close to harvest time. He just doesn't have time for chicks. He made coop repairs already, so if anyone around NE of Indy has layers available please pm me.
We're waiting for the watermelons and canteloup to ripen. We planted the whole backyard garden in vines so it's totally covered.

The sungold tomatoes are still ripening and we get new ones every day. Finally getting a ripe roma or 2.
Forgot to add this one! I'm buried in cherry tomatoes have started freezing a bunch. Beefsteaks are ripening yum! My favorites. Lots of jalapenos coming on my favorite also for peppers.
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Met a nice couple this evening, they bought our guinea flock. They are just starting their farming dream, large acreage and they are the first animals. I also sent them home with Beefy and his flock Bunny, Buffy and Blue. They are calm older birds at least 3yr olds, and do still lay. It will make a perfect first flock since they are pets. It was a hard decision but I knew they were the right folks to have him and the girls, I gave them away. I invited the couple to join our forum also.
Next years plans will be more guineas, but not until the new coop is built. Their coop was failing, same for Beefy's. My brother will resume building our coops this fall. Some of these coops are 8 years old and they are starting to rot out. Those 2 coops are the worst, and I would rather give birds away then risk predation.
Anyone have chicks expected to hatch around next weekend?

I'm not near you (west suburbs of Chicago) but I'll have some orpingtons (maybe a couple seramas) in 3 weeks. Due 9-9 = my birthday :)

I also have a serama who hatched last week (8-11). It's small and might be the same size as a reg chick in another week. It's holding its own in a brooder with giant orpington siblings. The mama hen is my veteran broody: Cookie, so I'm not worried. I have a 5 wk old serama in the same brooder. She's almost as big as my 1 wk old orp chicks, but it's a special circumstance. I also know Cookie can handle all their needs.

If you do have a lonely only situation and can't find any chicks closer to you, send me a PM.

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