Indiana Chicken People (list)

I am in Lafayette, if only barely. We are new to raising chickens and our current count is 22:

5 Rhode Island Reds (?)
2 Black sex-links
3 Barred Rocks (?)
3 Buff Orpingtons
1 Leghorn
3 Red sex-links (?)
4 Golden Wyandottes
1 Silver-laced Wyandotte

My husband and I also have one dog and one chinchilla and are pleased to share land with many cows and goats that we thankfully aren't responsible for. This is a very new lifestyle for us but we absolutely love it!
Hello and welcome new Indiana folks!
Hi everyone,

I have decided to replace my current rooster with one that doesn't attack me or my children. It was a hard decision but definitely the right one. Do any of you have roosters available? I am not picky about breed, but I DO want a bird who'll protect my flock and breed the ladies. The bird must also be gentle and non-aggressive. I am east of Indianapolis, but I am going up to the northwestern portion of the state this weekend. Will pass near Lafayette, Logansport, Monticello, Knox, etc. Please feel free to pm me with any info and pics if you have them.

A rooster who lives with my will have the best possible life. I have 32 healthy ladies, a wonderful coop and acres of land for free-ranging. My neighbors visit often and love to feed the birds tasty treats. I have a stream and a pond bordering my property.

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