Indiana Chicken People (list)

RichardR has been added to the list.

Indiana members et al., if you haven't listed your CITY/TOWN, STATE under your NAME yet, please go to (click) Profile (on the dark-blue line above) and then to the list on the left hand side titled Profile Menu. Going there and choosing the second item on the list, PERSONAL, you can type in the name of the city or town, Indiana where you live.
Hensteeth has been added to the list.

Indiana members et al., if you haven't listed your CITY/TOWN, STATE under your NAME yet, please go to (click) Profile (on the dark-blue line above) and then to the list on the left hand side titled Profile Menu. Going there and choosing the second item on the list, PERSONAL, you can type in the name of the city or town, Indiana where you live.
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Hello Indiana people!
I live in Elwood and our family has had backyard chickens since April 2009. Our chickens have come under threat do to a very unpleasant neighbor. We have NEVER had any complaints about our flock (AND we live right next to a public park!) Our neighbor that is next to us (we only have one neighbor, the other sides of our property are surrounded by a city park) decided to start raising their own chickens this spring. Unfortunately, the neighbor that lives behind them hold a strong grudge against them and decided to leave some messages on the the Building Commissioner's answering machine. They called after hours and left a message stating that they were offended that our neighbors had chickens, and another message stating that there were chickens in the park. (Just FYI - Our neighbor's chickens have never been in the park, we can vouch for that. Their proper doesn't even touch the park. Our chickens have gone threw our fence and into the park maybe a hand full of times, and were in the park next to our fence for maybe a minuet tops until we would herd them back in.) We now have to apply for an ordnance to be able to keep our chickens because it is illegal to keep ANY livestock animals in Elwood city limits. This includes chickens and rabbits! To apply it costs $100 (Of which an outraged person has helped our family with. With out their help we would not be able to apply.), around $20 for a newspaper ad stating that we will be applying, and we will also have to pay $4 for EACH piece of certified mail to be mailed to neighbors withing a 300 foot radius informing them/to get signatures!

We have always been upfront and honest about having chickens. I have talked to the problem neighbor, asking for their signature and explaining (nicely) that we will be applying for a variance. Anytime there has been a family or individuals in the park that would like to see our chickens we have let them hold them and talked to them about raising chickens.

Yesterday a reporter from the Elwood Call Leader came over to talk to our neighbors and us about our chickens and urban homesteading. We are trying to get support to have the laws changed in Elwood besides obtaining our variance. If you have any ideas/can help let us know! We are currently looking for city ordinances in Madison county where chickens are legal in city limits.
Sarah Jane Hannan







Hi! Please add me. I'm in Plainfield (west of indy). We don't have our chickens yet, but we do have our tractor almost done. It should be complete this weekend and then we're hoping to have some hens move in the following weekend (if I can find what I think I'm looking for!). We're starting small, with 2 standard size hens. My oldest has requested that we get one black hen, so does anyone know where I might find a black star, australorpe, or ameraucana? I'm not sure what other breed we're looking for. I'm hoping to start with "teenagers" that are either already laying or will be soon. They will be in the tractor run most of the day, but will get some free range yard time most evenings.

Anyway, this site is great, I've been reading and planning for months! Thought I should finally say hello!
kgend912 has been added to the list.

Indiana members et al., if you haven't listed your CITY/TOWN, STATE under your NAME yet, please go to (click) Profile (on the dark-blue line above) and then to the list on the left hand side titled Profile Menu. Going there and choosing the second item on the list, PERSONAL, you can type in the name of the city or town, Indiana where you live.
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Sorry Joe, not trying to hijack your thread but I just wanted to make sure that everyone knows about this year's Chickenstock

Any new people please check out the link in our signature line to the Indiana Chickenstock. And welcome newcomers this is a great site and we look forward to meeting you!
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Hey y'all from the bluegrass state!

I'm gonna be traveling from Louisville up to Crawfordville tomrrow to pick up a few new hens. I recently had a human predator take half my flock, so I am desperate for some layers. If anyone along the way has some for sale please let me know.

Large fowl only, and no feathered feet, my birds free range and feathered feet don't do well here.
Please email me.


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