Indiana Chicken People (list)

Hello to all. I joined BYC last month but wanted to introduce myself. I just moved to southern IN (the Evansville area) a few months ago and am fortunate enough to have some land so I can have chickens for the first time. After lots of reading and research I jumped in and am now the proud chicken mom to 2 BO's, 2 Australorps, 2 EE's, 2 mille fleur d'Uccle, and 6 adorable Silkies. All of my chicks are 8 -9 weeks old now and I am totally enamored with each and every one. I had no idea one could become so smitten with these little puff balls. I know I have one Silkie roo - Einstein, as he has been crowing (sounds like a rusty hinge) for almost two weeks now. From what I have read this sounds a bit premature for a Silkie. I am suspicious I may have a couple other Silkie roos, but am hoping not. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the 19 chicks in the brooder that are a week old. A little variety of feather legged Bantams and 7 Salmon Favorelles. It is hard to tear myself away from watching the little ones running around and exploring their new environment. I would love to know if their are other BYC members in the Evansville or surrounding areas. I am so glad I found BYC as it has been a wealth of information. Everyone have a wonderful day and enjoy those chicks!
Hi there! My name is Tami and live in Brownstown, IN. I currently have 1 Light Brahma, 3 Barred Rock, 4 Rhode Island Red, 1 Turken, 1 Bantam White Cochin, 1 Self Blue Old English Game Hen, 1 (Crele or BB Red-not sure yet-up for debate but I think she is a Crele) Old English Game Hen, 2 Dark Brahma, 5 Amerucana, 1 California Grey Leghorn and 1 Australorp. Oh, and on order...1 Black Giant, 2 Golden Laced Wyandottes and 10 Silkies. I have three kids who are very involved with the "Girls" and as you can tell they all have very different tastes when it comes to chicken breeds but with this mix everyone is happy. We have a separate coop/run for the Silkies(can't free range do to hawks) and the big girls have their own large coop/run and will be allowed to free range when they are old enough. It still amazes me how addictive raising chickens can be. I have been teased relentlessly lately because all I talk about these days are my chickens. We absolutely love raising them as a family hobby and I am thrilled to have finally found something my kids WANT to do together outside without fighting. They have barely touched a video game since the weather warmed up. It is a miracle! Anyways, just wanted to introduce myself and say Hello to my fellow Hoosiers! I will get some pics uploaded to my profile soon.
Right now, i just want them as pets, and maybe eggs. I bought friday 3 bantam cochins, 1 mottled and 2 millies, and 2 appenzeller spitzhaebens. Not sure the sexes yet, only 9 days old.
Hi, I didn't see my name on the list. I'm from the Decatur, IN area. Just became a chicken/duckling momma earlier this spring, and we (DH and I) are having a blast!

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