Indoor/Outdoor Run Doors


In the Brooder
Apr 13, 2015
What does everyone use for their indoor/outdoor run doors?

We'd really like something on a pulley system since we have 9 runs! :)

We just re-did our whole indoor set up and with over 300 ducks we have got to get them all going outside pronto! :) They're not happy being indoors for the past couple weeks while we've been re-doing everything. However, it is a MUCH better set up! :)

If you can include pictures that would be awesome! Thank in advance for the help! :)
do you mean the pop door? from between the coop to the run?

I have given up.... and just tried to predator proof the runs as much as possible, and then I keep the pop doors open 24/7.
No! We have indoor runs that lead to outdoor runs for each of our breeds. We shut our birds in nightly and really don't have many issues with predators! I'm just looking for suggestions for doors that lead from inside the barn to outside the barn that we can put on a pulley system to open and close them all at once since we have 9 runs! :)
I've only got the one coop (I can't imagine having THREE HUNDRED ducks!!!).
Anyway, I keep the pop door open 24/7 now since their little run is enclosed. I just open up the run each morning to let them free range.
I'm not sure if a little door like this pop door could be rigged with wire to open/close but we use a wire to hold it open.

Mechanically, it really depends on the location of the all doors and whether you want something manual or something automatic. If they're all in a line (say on one side of a building), you could rig them all to a garage door opener pretty easily.
sliding pop doors that run in a track, raise and lower by means of pulling a rope or cable.

With that many that you want to be able to open all at once, run the cables (no way I'd use rope for that many at once) from each door over a pulley system that goes to one main header or block. Attach one cable from the center of that main header or block on the opposite side and run it out to where you want to access for raising and lowering. For that many at a time, I'd put a boat trailer type winch and wind them up and down.

this will take some doing, but it can be done.

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