Indoor quail possible?

The problem is that most of the dust that they put off isn't from their dust bath. I'm not sure where it comes from, but when I had chicks and youngsters in the house, the entire place would be covered in dust every. single. day. They didn't have a dust bath.
I agree the copious "dander" is crazy. But believe it or not, the dust they fling is worse.
Yeah I still have mine in my office and I gotta say it really is a battle. I enclosed the dust bath but I notice they come out of the bath and then do a big shake and it just puffs all this dust into the air. There's small optimizations you can do to keep the dust enclosed but in the end you're going to want a HEPA air filter + wipe down all surfaces once every 2 days. I also mop the floor really quick to keep it from building up. It's worth it for me because I enjoy watching them, which I can't do when it's 2 degrees outside if they are outside :D
If you can manage to build an enclosure with deep walls you can manage the smell by piling new shavings twice per day and then deep cleaning it out once every few weeks / 1 per month maybe if you're lucky. I may cave and move mine to the backyard in the spring. We will see.

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