Infested chicken.


In the Brooder
Jun 4, 2020
Hi, so I got this chicken from a friend who doesn't know much about chickens and didn't realize that she was clearly sick. I could tell right away something was off, especially when I saw her walking she staggers and loses her balance sometimes and is often sitting down. When I checked her vent I saw all these tiny black or red-looking bugs (shown in the second picture) I know they are not lice, but maybe mites? And she also doesn't seem to be caring for herself as I tried to show in this first picture hopefully you can tell she seems disheveled. The odd thing is her comb and wattle are still a healthy-looking red cause I know that is one of the first signs of a sick chicken. As soon as I can I'm going to get some DE and permethrin both of which have helped with lice in the past. Does anybody know what's wrong or have any suggestions of what else I should do? I've also been feeding her some herbs to help her fight this thing.
I agree she has mites. They need to be treated quickly with permethrin as others have already said. I also believe DE can harm the respiratory tract. Some people have experience with wood ash working, as well. She were mine, I’d definitely use permethrin. While you are waiting for the nutridrench, maybe you can offer her something high in iron, like beef liver. I give this to my chickens if anybody looks anemic or when they’re molting. It seems to help.

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