INFO NEEDED! I need to help a chick out


The Great Guru of Yap
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008
The Carpal Tunnel Rehab Center
Ok, this thing has been 1/4 of the way zipped since yesterday afternoon. It is still moving in there, just making no progress. I do believe it is time to take the top off - Do I remove the egg from the bator, take the top off and put it back? Will it dry out?
I may get in trouble saying this, but I would help it! Be very careful to remove shell only, if you see blood, it isn't ready for help. And keep a warm moist paper towel around it to help keep it moist while you are working on it.
Ms.FuzzyButts :

I may get in trouble saying this, but I would help it! Be very careful to remove shell only, if you see blood, it isn't ready for help. And keep a warm moist paper towel around it to help keep it moist while you are working on it.

It was totally dried out, partially shirnk wrapped. I got most of the membrane off and put it back to rest and dry off. I hope it makes it! I am not waiting that long again!!! I didi it with a warm wash cloth wet and warm. Poor thing!!​
Wheew! You got there just in time then.. I hate waiting. I did that ONE time and lost the chick. Since then I wait no more than 24 hrs and not that long if I can see membrane even hinting at drying out! I haven't lost one since.
Hmm, that is strange. Here's
you're chick makes it and the rest follow suit.
Your little one will probably need intensive care if it's going to make it at all. I don't know how early you should start, but it's going to need help with drinking something that will perk her up. Water with a small amount of molasses in it was helpful for the chick that I had to help out of the shell last spring, but I didn't give it to her right away, I waited 12 hours figuring she was running on yolk still and I don't know if maybe I waited too long. My little one lived for a few days but never got really strong and then she passed. Ask on the raising baby chicks forum. I know a lot of people use electrolytes in chicks water to help them after a tough hatch or shipment. Maybe Pedialyte would be helpful if you don't have electrolyte powder to add to the water.
Not it doesn't however, because of the way it looks, I suspect that one of the first hatchers poked the hole in the egg - it doesn;t look quite fully developed. Wont open its eyes, has few feathers, etc. But when I peeling the shell off it came off in almost one piece and the baby was totally hard as a rock.
Well I guess I did a good thing. It is standing on it's own, peeping and one eye is open. I think the other may come open with more bathing tomorrow. Tiny little thing!!!!

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