Injured šŸ¤• duck! Please advise!


Jul 23, 2023
Hi all! Very grateful to have found this community!! šŸ™ I am new to raising ducks this year and have an injured duck :(

This guy is about 6 weeks old and has skinned its leg. Itā€™s a clean skin, there was no blood. Honestly it looks like it needs stiches but Iā€™m out of work and donā€™t have a vehicle so I cannot get to a vet which I feel awful šŸ˜ž about. I was able to get him/her inside in a clean dry crate. I irrigated the wound with sterile saline, attempted antibiotic ointment and medi-honey (itā€™s just what I had) but it turned out to be more ā€œskinnedā€ than I originally thought and wouldnā€™t stick. I wound up doing a wet to dry just with saline with the skin back in place as best I could. I was able to wrap it with the leg somewhat immobilized. Was thinking of doing a sling of some sort but I figured just to get the initial bandage done and find some suggestions. I was a nurse by trade so I have some wound care supplies on hand, just not sure what to do with a skinned leg.

Any advice is much appreciated! ā€œKyleā€ is resting with a sheet over the crate and meditation music playing.
Sorry to hear about Kyle getting inured
Pictures would definitely help
Keeping him in a clean area with water and feed
Do you have anything like Medicam ? If he is in any pain he may not eat so keep an eye on that
I know some will use baby aspirin for pain relief @BelovedBirds may have more info on that or know who to tag as my vet keeps me stocked with Medicam in case I have issues
Edited to add. Welcome to BYC
Welcome To BYC

Can you post photos of Kyle's injury?

Sounds like you have cleaned it well.
Depending on what it looks like, it may be better to leave the wound uncovered.

I'll tag in some knowledgeable Duck folks that may be able to offer some suggestions as well. @Miss Lydia @New duck mommy 2021
I did wind up just leaving it uncovered, heā€™s eating and drinking and I did get some clear iodine solution as I read in a suggestion on another thread.. itā€™s hard to get pictures of the full extent of the ā€œflapā€ but I guess itā€™s good that itā€™s staying somewhat in placeā€¦ only major change over night is that I noticed his beak is significantly pale..


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I did wind up just leaving it uncovered, heā€™s eating and drinking and I did get some clear iodine solution as I read in a suggestion on another thread.. itā€™s hard to get pictures of the full extent of the ā€œflapā€ but I guess itā€™s good that itā€™s staying somewhat in placeā€¦ only major change over night is that I noticed his beak is significantly pale..
Did he loose any blood ? If so give him Vitamin B complex this helps with blood loss
1ml over a treat daily for a week and see how he is doing
There was no/very minimal blood loss miraculously! I have that liquid vitamin b complex.. Iā€™ll put that in his water.. thank you for that idea! the ā€œflapā€ seems to be drying out.. itā€™s shriveling up and not turning black thankfully. šŸ¤ž
I did wind up just leaving it uncovered, heā€™s eating and drinking and I did get some clear iodine solution as I read in a suggestion on another thread.. itā€™s hard to get pictures of the full extent of the ā€œflapā€ but I guess itā€™s good that itā€™s staying somewhat in placeā€¦ only major change over night is that I noticed his beak is significantly pale..
I would trim or pluck some of the feathers away from the wound, re-clean it, then apply your triple antibiotic ointment to the wound.

Is he able to walk o.k.?

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