Injured duck - Leg Was Tied - Photo attached

Boy isn't that the truth
Aw just from reading about her, I am in love with her. Hope her recovery is uneventful. She has given you enough scares.
I am too @drumstick diva . She sure has earned her 9 lives reputation.

I love that picture @dotknott so precious
OMWord that ducky of yours is just super lucky! Maybe you need to make for a house duck or a yard duck....She's is just one of those that finds the trouble, eh?
Do you think the boys got randy with her a little too much? I know you said maybe a hawk, but the boys could have bred the snot out of her and that's why she was
separate from the flock.

Best wishes!
Got home and marched out to the coop with gloves on and a bottle of lube, only to find homegirl chilling under the adarodnack chair like nothing was wrong.

Found an egg in the yard near where I set her up for the day.

She doesn't seem to be quite herself and refused peas, though she is drinking. I might put her in the small coop overnight with another gal to make sure it's not the boys and their hormones that're aggravating her now.

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