Injured Duck

Isabella Huston

In the Brooder
Oct 23, 2017
We recently had our first duckling nearly completely grown but yesterday we found a lot of white feathers around the chicken coop and I instantly went and checked on our silky rooster not even thinking about the duck and only today I found the duckling with a torn up wing and the dog had attacked him, I believe it may be Brocken but have no idea.

Please help I have no idea what to do .
Oh I’m so sorry that happened! I don’t have very much experience with wounds but i’d try to clean up the wound. There’s some wound spray called vetrycin that seems to work for me. If you think his wing is broken, I’d take him to the vet. Maybe some people might not think it’s needed, but if you don’t know what to do, I’d take him there to be safe. I hope he heals quickly.
How is your duck?
From the picture, it looks like a puncture wound maybe? To heal the wing if it's broken, fold it into it's normal position against the body, and wrap the wing against the duck's body so mother nature can work her magic and heal the bones in place. You should also clean the wound out and flush it out if you haven't already.
Best of Luck!

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