injured EE cockerel - E-Collar?


13 Years
Nov 10, 2008
Fitzwilliam NH
I had 4 young cockerels in a large cage together and 2 of them turned on the other 2. I have already separated the two injured boys and treated the wounds, one cockerel is scabbed over and healing nicely (he also had a much smaller wounded area), the other keeps picking at his wound himself so it is still raw and bloody. So my question is, will an E-collar work for a chicken? I've used them on mammals and parakeets but have never had a chicken that needed something to keep him from picking. Is there something else I can use to cover the wound that will let air in but keep his beak out? The wound is all across the top of his tail and lower back so wrapping it traditionally would be near impossible because it would have to cover his vent area. Any ideas are welcome!
I haven't used any anti-pick type things, mainly because I don't have any. Can you use those right in an open wound? I can have DH stop at the feed store but not until tomorrow afternoon.
Sadly I cannot recall off hand. That was a long time ago now (2010). I believe we ended up cleaning his wounds and covering with bag balm until they healed but I'm not 100% sure
I see that this was an old post, I wonder if a hen saddle would also have worked to keep him from picking his back? here is my EE with one on (bottom of picture), it has a tail flap so covers her lower back as well as her upper tail. when she bends forward it comes up in back a little, but when she stands up it lays down. Don't mind the molting SLW in the back. Poor girl is molting in December, in Minnesota
(neck, butt, and head)

I got the saddle on ETSY.

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