injured hen, bleeding and panting need advice

That is a lucky thing that you caught the fox in the act. I wouldn't worry too much about lost feathers. The wound being under her wing is probably a good thing. It will stay relatively clean under there and the others won't be as likely to peck at it.

Do you have a rooster? Could that be why she is missing feathers on her back? How is she doing now? Is she drinking or eating?
She is eating a little, I got some fruit She likes. I believe drinking as well. She let me clean it and put ointment on it, not happy about it though. Just going to monitor her and keep it clean and pray it heals fast. I have some electrolyte powder coming to me so I have more on hand.I do have a roo I believe that started the feather loss.
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Though, she seemed to be picking her feathers on her crop and her feathered feet. I got a peck no more lotion, she doesn't like the stuff, hopefully it helps.
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This is what it looks like now.
Mostly antibiotic cream. Wondering if I need to give her antibiotics because it feels warm. She seems ok, the no peck lotion has stopped her from picking her feathers. But she doesn't want me to touch her. If I need antibiotics what kind and how much? Should I wrap her wound?
I wouldn't wrap it if she isn't pecking at it too much. I used Pen-G injectable from Tractor Supply. I got syringes at my local pharmacy and they were much cheaper than at TS. I can't remember the dose, but if you find my thread on my girl who was attacked by a hawk, it has some links to dosing.

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