Injured hen leg, can't use it! Don't know what to do.


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 7, 2009
My two-three year old Gingernut Ranger Myrtle is not using her right leg. She won't put it down and it appears there is a very mild abraision on the top half-way up the leg, but no other signs of injury. No blood or bruising, I can't see a break and no apparent signs of an animal attack, but I suppose that is very possible.

This came on suddenly this morning, she was fine yesterday.

When I held her, she had her left foot all curled up, as though in pain, but her right was virtually imobile. She won't grip my finger. I am not sure if she has use of the leg or is just being very careful not to use it.

She won't drink from her dish, but I am feeding her some water with an eye dropper. It is 88 degrees in Texas today and she is just sitting in the shade. She did eat some grapes earlier, but only takes baby sips from the eye dropper.

I only have two hens, so I am pretty distressed and want to help her if I can. Any advice?

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watch out for infection, and make sure she gets PLENTY of water, i dunno if there is anything you can buy to help her but you might wanna look at your local feedstore for some kind of medication for it... i hope she makes it...Good Luck!
One more note, she wants to keep the leg tucked under herself when she hops around. I got her to drink by mixing grains with water and she is taking both.

Anyone recommend asprin or something houshold for pain. This has to hurt.
My Polish hen flew from a cat and came down hard on one leg. I thought it was broken but could not find any sign of a break. She simply layed there not using it at all. It was very swollen around her I gave it gentle rubs each day to make sure the blood circulated.
I placed her in a small pet cage she could rest in, in my house and hand fed and watered her for a day or so. She then began eating on her own. After 5-7 days she tried to hobble so I'd put her on the grass to give her some exercise every afternoon for a bit. She'd move real slow trying to place weight on her bum leg. At first falling a lot. After 2 weeks she began to gently use it a little more each day. Another week or so & she was back to walking with a gimpy gate with her pals back in the run. Now, 6 month later you'd never know it ever happened.
Just make her rest it. No movement for a few days at all and use your intuition from there.
Good luck!
THanks for all the advice. I put some antibiotic ointment on her leg and put her in her coop early for the night to sleep in her nesting box. I also got some aspirin in her, but not much. She is not super interested in drinking.

I guess we'll try to keep her in her coop tomorrow and evaluate her day by day.

Thanks for everything.

Myrtle was pretty quiet and happy to stay in her coop most of the day. She had some water and food easily accessible to her and by mid afternoon she seemed to want to go hop around.

My husband let her out and brought her in the shade. She chilled out for awhile and seems to have got to feeling better and began hopping around.

She seems in pretty good spirits, but will not put her foot down. Upon closer inspection, I think there could be a fracture, but it is hard to tell; there is no swelling.

I thinking keeping her in most the day was the best bet. I'm putting her to bed early too.

Thanks again for the support.

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