Injured leg


In the Brooder
May 24, 2024
Hi I was wondering if anyone had a recommendation on the best supplements for perosis/slipped ligament. I have a 8 week old Rhode island red who started with this last night. I took her to the vet. We've tried to place it back in and it keeps popping back out, when bandaged in place the bandage has to be so snug her foot turns blue. We have her on meloxicam(pain/anti inflammatory) and enrofloxacin(antibiotic) any other advice I would love!!!
Slipped tendons are tough to correct. There are a few threads on BYC if you search, I've seen some people make slings to keep them from putting weight on the leg. I had one I tried to correct but it just wouldn't stay put.

I hope she recovers well!

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