Perosis/slipped ligament


In the Brooder
May 24, 2024
Hi, I have an 8 week old Rhode island red that started walking with a dropped hock last night. I took her to the vet that I work at today( we mostly see dogs/cats) we tried putting the ligament back in place but it won't stay in and when bandaged her foot becomes discolored and cold. The joint is warm to the touch and swollen. We took an xray and there are no breaks or fractures. We started her on meloxicam( anti inflammatory) and enrofloxacin( antibiotic). What vitamin supplements would yall recommend? And treatments if any? We are keeping her separate from the other chickens on soft bedding. Thank you for any help!! It is so appreciated!
So sorry you haven't gotten a reply! I don't know much about leg issues but how is she doing?
B Complex tablets might help her out? I know that's good to give for a vitamin deficiency but maybe it could help.
Good foods to give are meat, fish, and eggs since they're high in protein.

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