Injured Roo :( Attacked by dog


9 Years
Jun 9, 2010
Hey yall,

My daughter posted on here the other day about our injured Roo and got wonderfull feed back. Our plan was to take him to the vets office but their avian vet is out of town for two weeks and it scares me to take him a long distance in his condition.

So the little guy was attacked by a dog and was in severe shock Sat night. By the second day he started moving a little bit more and more. He has been taking water very well but we are very concerned because we cant get him to eat very much at all, even when we mush his food or mix it with high protein yogurt. He doesnt eat or drink with out a spoon or dropper. Another issue is that he is allways face down while standing up, i keep thinking that maybe this is due to him being tired. I am pretty sure his neck is not broken because he can move it side to side and hold it up. I saw another woman on here who made a little neck cone out of a gallon jug of water... would something like that help in this situation? His face is very very bruised from where the dog got him and his crested top is nearly all ripped out, so maybe its just extremely sore and affecting his eating and movement. And he moves around and chirps often but im worry because he is still lethargic.

He is a bit wobbly when he moves but I think this is because his ear might have been damaged
His poop his watery green
We are giving him gatorade diluted for electrolytes some sugar water and mashed chick started with honey and high protien yogurt
He is about 4 weeks old
I have him in a tub with pine shavings and a towel placed over that.
Have heating lamp on him to keep him warm

Left wing looks to be wounded it falls about a quarter on an inch behind the right one and it seems to not be as tightly held to the body as the right.
Wound on neck. A local woman told me to fill it with anitbiotic ointment to keep air from getting in. Been using neosporen and saline solution
Feathers ripped out of the crest on his head
Face is bruised from where the dog got him
There was a little blood on his ear when we found him but i dont not know if that was from his neck or the ear itself.

How long does shock last?
How long can he go with out eating food? is that normal?
What about him standing and sleeping face first?
Is there something i can do about the wing?

I know this is kinda scattered but im trying to give you all of the facts i can think of that you might possibly need. I would welcome any help that anyone can give!
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awwww.... I really don't have any advice but I hope someone else comes along who does. I hope he heals well and quickly!
ok here goes.....this is from having a hen's scalp riped almost all the way off from a now dead rooster and a hen attacked by a neighbors dog ( hen's fault)

the first hen attacked by the roosters head was a mess. I used what I had on hand at the time. . I pulled the flap back down to cover her head after cleaning, covered the wound with Antibotic ointment for their eyes as that was all I had at the time, then sprayed it with a wound sealer that is a liquid bandage for animals( dogs to be exact from tractor supply ) She was in shock as her pupils were big then small, big then small...poor thing. I kept her in my house in a dog Kennel . hand feed and watered for just over 2 weeks. And she came around , same for the dog attacked bird , although she wasn't nearly as bad...but wanted to keep an eye on her as she lost tons of feathers.

You mention he is a crested breed. Seems to me the air cells in their skulls are different due to the feathering? so maybe having them ripped out has effected his air balance in his skull hence the face down issue,also sore muscles could prevent him from holding his head up for long periods.........? as long as he is getting some water and food ( and are still pooping) I'd give him time, lotsa time ... he's been through alot. I'd worry if he gets worse not continuing to improve over time. Good luck!

Green poop maybe from a drastic change in his diet.... just a thought
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Thanks so much for the advise! It really makes me feel better to know that im not alone and other people ahve gone through this. I think you are right about his head being sore though because that is where the brunt of the attack was ( really bruised and stuff).

thanks a ton!
Yup when our dog got our hens we had one that couldn't walk for close to a month, and it took her two months before we were able to put her back out with her flock. We also added some antibiotics to her water to help speed the healing process. You can get some at a farm supply store too. I't usually runds around 7 to 10 dollars.

Hope your roo gets better soon!
He seems to be doing much better today! he is drinking on his own and i suspect that he might be nibbling on the food

thanks everyone

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