Injured toe on silkie rooster


Jun 20, 2023
Toe is bloody and claw is falling off almost
I’ve had a few chickens break off their nails, one I wrapped up for a couple days with some ointment but they’ve all healed okay. One particular hen, her nail never grew back but it’s not been a problem.
Tough to say from here. Does it seem like its about to rip off? Is it just cracked? How badly is it bleeding? Whats the run like? Is he in a lot of mud?

I think the time I bandaged a toe was a silkie roo almost completely ripped his nail off so I cut the little bit that was flopping around and applied neosporin and some cloth and tape.
It’s tough keeping a bandage on a chickens foot, I’ll say that.
Oh no! Poor thing, yowch... My turkey just broke his toenail, looked terrible. I have been keeping Blu koat on it, and have been spraying it daily to keep it clean. The whole entire thing fell off.
I would spray blu koat on it often, and I have heard that soaking the foot in a warm Epsom salt bath will help it as well. It may be beneficial to trim the claw if possible, so it won't get caught on anything else.
If wrapping up the bird's toe works for you, then I would continue with that. Soak the foot with the epsom salt, spray with blu koat, put some Neosporin on it if needed, and wrap it if you would like, but I think the bandaging may bother the bird, and may cause him to fail around trying to get it off. I hope the poor silkily will have a fast recovery!
Eggcessive posted this on my thread about my turkey, hope this helps!

"Broken or partially broken or injured toenails can be very painful. If they are just dangling by a bit of tissue, it can help to snip it off. But this one just looks bloody and may still be attached well. I would just dab on some Vetericyn, Betadine, or Chlorhexidene. It will take a couple of weeks for it not to be painful. Chickens and turkeys do fine if they lose a toenail."

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