Inside of pressure canner discolored after first use


11 Years
Jul 8, 2008
North Carolina
I just made my first batch of canned beans. When I opened the canner which I bought used and was not discolored before using the bottom of the canner and the rack has turned almost black. What have I done wrong. I can also smell the beans. Should I be able to smell them? I just heard one lid pot so at least one worked.
It's probably a reaction to the minerals in your water. Mine is discolored. As for the smell, as they cook some of their juice can leak out of the top so you'll smell whatever it is you're canning.
You should let the pressure canner cool down before taking off the lid. This lets the pressure down on it's own. If you hurry it along you can have trouble with the batch. The reason I think you hurried things is the lid popping after you have them out.
Cackle~~~Don't forget to wipe down your jars before you store them. Also, I myself, not sure if others do this, I also remove the band after 24 hours. This way the band does not rust to the jar neck if ever exposed to moisture.

Ever tried to get a rusted band off a quart jar? I rest my case.
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Thanks all! I did wipe off the lids and clean the tops as per your suggestion. I am looking forward to trying to can some chicken soon. Will be great for a quick chicken pot pie or noodle soup when I don't feel good. This year that seems to have happened a lot. I have gotten everything the grandkids have had. Not fun.
Have been canning for years with my "All American" canner. 18 qts at a time! Doesnt matter if they pop in the canner or while cooling as long as they pop and seal. Any that dont seal, refrigerate and use. If you try to re-process, you may end up with edible mush! I agree with the other comments. Probably hard water and will not harm the canner, just make sure the vent stays open. Let the canner cool down by itself or you may get "boil out" when you rush it. If you give too little head space you may lose some too and still no problem if the jars are sealing okay. Happy Canning!

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