Inside quail…

Gorgeous, I say keep inside, u can always bring a male around if she needs or wants it or every so often abother hen that's nice to her, and long as u give them company, or u can just keep hen with her all the time in the cage , lots of options, good luck
Thanks! She’s just such a sweet and patient quail! It’s so unusual 😍
I have several that live alone (separate cage but they can still hear the others. Some because they're male, and one for a while because she would just kill any other females I put in with her.

Are her toes bleeding or are they just losing the toenails
The tips were bleeding…which was why I felt bad. I think it ripped away a bit of her toe skin. I found the culprit in the coop, under the waterer it gets just wet enough to make the ground a poop/dirt cement mix. I will be changing that!
How lonely would a quail be if left inside in a cage by herself? I have the best little girl and she hurt her leg somehow and gets around fine out in general population …or so I thought. Tonight I checked on her a bit closer than usual and discovered her leg she doesn’t use had giant poop balls on every big toe 😩 I feel so awful I only just now noticed!! So I brought her inside and soaked the foot for over 45 mins and slowly chipped away at the balls. I ended up taking off two toe nails but she sat still the whole time while I chipped away and she got super wet. So now I’m waiting for her to dry enough she won’t die from the cold overnight and she’s just sitting with me. I am wondering if she’s better off inside where poop balls won’t get missed? She let me soak her, rip out her toe nails, blow dry her with my hair dryer, and barely made a peep about it. She is amazing! She also often will lay two eggs in a day. She’s just a chill little girl and I feel bad she has limitations that cause her unhappiness! I know many of you would just cull her and move on, but I just can’t do that. She’s just a really sweet soul…anyway, thoughts on how bad of an idea this would be?
My quails all was hate being on their own, they scream for ages for friends, could you take 2 females in with her so she has friends? I understand not being able to cull I have 3 quails now that are just pets, as long as they are not suffering you don’t need to cull. For getting ride of muck balls on their feet, I put them in a tub (with a mesh lid so they can’t fly out) then put very little water in it just enough to make one or two small puddles then leave them for a while, when I tried it the muck balls just dropped off, it might take a while but it is better then accidentally ripping/breaking toe nails

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