Insulation for Olympia, WA??

Don't talk bad about the blue tarps. When I put a cover on my dog run, I used blue metal roofing. That way I had the tarp look with the long term durability.
Welcome ChickenOlympia from another newbie in Olympia. Most folks in the Pacific NW don't see the need to insulate.

I'm converting a Noble horse structure that is just metal pole frame with 1" plywood and metal roof. I will be using a heat source when I first put my girls out in a few weeks even though I chose chicks that are known to be cold hardy.

Shelter pic:

I was building a coop and money really wasn't an issue, I think I would want to insulate.

Enjoy every minute of your new chicks. They grow like weeds.
Mine don't have insulation, matter of fact, most of them even slept in the run even on our last freak streak of 10F weather! Don't worry too much about keeping the adults dry, silly things will find the worst places to stand and get wet anyways. That pemco profiles website is awesome. I like the "first snow flake freak out lady" one.
LOL I AM THE FRIST SNOWFLAKE FREAK OUT LADY!!!! I swear my husband said they made that for me!!!

I did not insulate my coop and see no reason to

I live just north of you (so Hi there!) in Steilacoom and even when it is really cold (the past few weeks)here the coop stayed pretty warm inside

you could if you wanted to but I dont see that you would have to!
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Hello Washingtonians, We're going to be adding styrafoam as we can get it for free as a little insulation, but I was told by a friend that it's not needed. But I told my boyfriend, "If it's free, why not add it."
Our neighbor has blue tarps covering EVERYTHING in his yard. We call it Tarp Town.

I am thrilled that there are so many chicken lovers in and near Olympia.
yep, no insulation necessary. I follow a blog (called Dig This Chick) and she lives in Montana and was shocked that her hens made it just fine without heat through the Montana winter! She might have insulation (I don't know), but I believe she gets temps well below zero there and her biddies did fine. here in the temperate NW, no need for anything but secure shelter from wind, rain, and predators!

Good luck and welcome!

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