Integrating 2 with 1


Mar 28, 2019
DeWinton, Alberta
My Coop
My Coop
Hi all, Happy Mother's Day to all of you who are mammas!

I have only one of my original flock left, an Ameraucana who was bottom of the pecking order, and have purchased two RTL pullets. I have a Woods coop so I've fenced off the front of the coop and the new girls are in that section so they can all see but not touch. There was a bit of chest bumping the first day but I haven't seen it since and they have all mostly been hanging out right along the divider for days. Eating, napping, dust bathing but not squabbling that I can tell. Obviously I'm not out there watching 24/7 though.

The original, older hen has been pacing the fence line a bit but not seeming aggressive to my untrained eye. Not sure if the is lonely and wants to be part of a flock again or if she is just waiting to get at the little intruders!

How many days should I leave them in the 'see but no touch' situation before trying to let them together? When it is time should I just open the 'gate' or put the newbies on the roost at night?
You could try sooner...but I'd wait at least a week or two.
Then open the gate and see what happens.
I'd be there to watch.
Best of cLuck!

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