Integrating a new hen but they only have the coop


May 23, 2021
Wasilla, Alaska
I have integrated a lot of chickens before but this is the first time I’ve had to while they are stuck in the coop. I tried and watched them but my new hen Calypso and my bluebell hen Dill Weed keep fighting, like Calypso has to opened wounds and Dill kept grabbing her by her head feathers like a rooster would. How should I do this?
Is that mucous coming from her nostrils?
Any symptoms of respiratory illness?

Being stuck in the coop is going to make everyone on edge.
You can try this method to see if it works but I would suggest that you cover the kennel with mesh so she can't stick her head out of the bars, nor can the others stick their head inside.
No she’s just a very dramatic water drinker 🤦.

Thank you! I would let them out but it’s too cold to leave the door open… we have a red heat lamp and still get frosted doors and vents.
She needs one section of the run just for her. Look but do not touch. (She needs her own food and water source too).Put her in the coop at night and back in the run during the day until they accept her.
She needs one section of the run just for her. Look but do not touch. (She needs her own food and water source too).Put her in the coop at night and back in the run during the day until they accept her.
They do not have a run, they’re all free range but I can’t even open the coop door it’s so cold out, they stay in the coop over winter and when it gets above 20 I let them go out which is when a small group goes to the barn to dust bathe or sit in the hayloft. I think I could section off an area of the warmer side of the coop and a nesting box for her it’ll just take a lot of adjusting and I’ll have I think I can use my old chicks fencing for it. Thank you so much! I don’t want Calypso to get too warm inside but luckily the warmer side of the coop is the same temperature as my bedroom but I think I can get this done tonight
So I got a net up last night to block her off but it looks like it slipped over the nail. She got out but she’s totally fine, she ignores pecking which makes it so there’s no big fights and if the pecking is too much she goes on top on the feeder and is left alone
If she can escape, they are are working it out. But in the confinement, I think I would put on the pin less peepers. Being confined kind of changes the rules.

Mrs K

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