Integrating chicks into flock at 4 weeks old.

@aart I love your article on integrating the chicks, and it says if any questions post here:

A question - Are those Welsummer babies? (They look just like those in my brooder.)

Comment - I never noticed the feeders in the pics - brilliant as are all your ideas.
I have one Wellie hen and Wellie cockbird-Woody.
All the chicks are crosses from Woody over blue laying EE's...or hatchery EE's.
All are chipmunk striped just like Wellies.
I had so hoped to get my newbies introduced to their new home and start integration 2 weeks ago, but we had delays, but did finally get everything ready today for the first visit for my now 7 week old chicks to their next home.

I was really surprised - the two 4 year old hens were actually afraid of the 4 babies - :ya. They are separated by a fence - and the littles watched the bigs with interest, while the bigs clucked and tip- toed distantly from the fence line. Wish I had filmed this, it was so surprising. If the weather will allow, I will be moving the "teenagers" to their semi-permanent home in a couple of days.
Great Sunflour, that sounds like a very good sign. Of course 4 chicks against 2 Bigs, are a bit overwhelming. They run around like ninjas.

:loveHope Buddy is doing well.

Buddy wants the chicks out of his house, he can hear and smell them in the basement/garage - but he isn't allowed there. He's quite jealous of the gals.

The chicks were fearful of the new location and just sat by the dividing fence looking at the hens. Road Runner was laying an egg when we placed the chicks inside their area. When RR came down from the big coop and saw the 4 "ninjas" she stopped, stared, and then tip toed as far as she could distance from them to get escape to the outdoor "playground". Both hens stayed out there until we brought the chicks back to the garage brooder.:lau

Wish I could move the littles out permanently today, but I am working long hours for the next 3 days, so hopefully, will move them out Wednesday :)
Ok, I'm back to bother y'all again. I picked up 26 chicks at the post office yesterday morning. Then my wife came home from VBS with 5 frizzled Cochins. Brooding in the coop is not an option (sorry Blooie). @aart, where were your chicks prior to 4 weeks of age?
It's warm enough here that we won't need supplemental heat by week 3. I've got my plywood and wing nuts ready. How big an area do I need to wall off for 31 babies?
I'm no expert - but IMO - minimum 6 square inches per baby chick, but at only 2 weeks you'll want more space. By the time they are 5-6 weeks old, you'll need 2 square feet per bird. So - if I were you, build so you can add on as they grow, or wall off part when small and increase the size?
Update....we did get everything finished and the rain moved out Wednesday afternoon, so my gals got to move out to their coop inside the coop :)
The bigs ignore them or cluck and go elsewhere. Littles are settling in and seem happy to be there. Planning to leave all separated without human intervention for a week or so and then start trying to integrate.....slowly.
I'm no expert - but IMO - minimum 6 square inches per baby chick, but at only 2 weeks you'll want more space. By the time they are 5-6 weeks old, you'll need 2 square feet per bird. So - if I were you, build so you can add on as they grow, or wall off part when small and increase the size?

Right now all 31 are in a 3x5 brooder. I have 2 this size. I figure in a couple weeks I will have to divide them up. I was thinking of walling off an 8x8 section for them. That would be 64 sqft for 31, if they all survive. So that sounds about right. Thank you.
Ok, I'm back to bother y'all again. I picked up 26 chicks at the post office yesterday morning. Then my wife came home from VBS with 5 frizzled Cochins. Brooding in the coop is not an option (sorry Blooie). @aart, where were your chicks prior to 4 weeks of age?
It's warm enough here that we won't need supplemental heat by week 3. I've got my plywood and wing nuts ready. How big an area do I need to wall off for 31 babies?
I move them from incubator(or farm store) to a 2.5 x 6' brooder in the house. They went out into the 4x6 coop area by one week, with their heater, by 2 weeks they also had an 8x8 run, and by week 4 they were mingling with the bigs.

Did you see this article on the first page of the thread?

sunflour's got right at 2 sqft by 4 weeks.
Yes. I've read your article several times. I've also seen your Coop build and noticed you have separate sections for every possible situation. Mine is much less elaborate.
So yours are actually within view of the bigs before the 2nd week? I'm hoping I can move mine by week 3, and open the adjustable doors, week 4.

Jeez, just went back and read it again. Very first paragraph says they went in the coop at 1 week. I guess I'm too transfixed on the picture to read the first sentences.

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