Integrating chicks into flock at 4 weeks old.

You'd have to test the ceramic heat 'bulb' out in the coop. I've found them to not spread a wide or varied enough heat area, very hot right under and cooling quickly out towards circumference. the cooler ambient temps outside might skew that.
Thanks for that. I have integrated before, so the separate quarters is nothing new. Just the concept of doing it so early. I think I'll give it a shot - thanks for the advice!!
I moved my 4 chicks in with my 4 adult hens 2 weeks ago. They have a crate set up in the run that the hens can’t get into. My one hen has been chasing them but not causing injury, mostly chasing with an occasional feather plucking. The pullets are now around 7-8 weeks. The past 2 nights I went and put them in the coop at night but my barred rock is really pecking at them more when I put them in the coop and now the other barred rock is joining her so tonight I left them sleeping in their crate. Should I wait until the chasing stops or slows before trying to put them in the coop at night? Usually when she picks on them they have plenty of room to get away quickly but in the dark the pullets just take it and don’t move and I’m concerned they will get injured.
I moved my 4 chicks in with my 4 adult hens 2 weeks ago. They have a crate set up in the run that the hens can’t get into. My one hen has been chasing them but not causing injury, mostly chasing with an occasional feather plucking. The pullets are now around 7-8 weeks. The past 2 nights I went and put them in the coop at night but my barred rock is really pecking at them more when I put them in the coop and now the other barred rock is joining her so tonight I left them sleeping in their crate. Should I wait until the chasing stops or slows before trying to put them in the coop at night? Usually when she picks on them they have plenty of room to get away quickly but in the dark the pullets just take it and don’t move and I’m concerned they will get injured.
2 weeks isn't much time for side by side acclimation before allowing physical contact.
Might be best to start new thread here:
Adding all info and some pics for more specific solutions.
I followed the advice in this thread and put my 4 new babies out with the big girls and it's been FABULOUS! I started them out in a wire dog crate inside the coop, then propped open the crate door so they could go in and out, and then removed the crate when they seemed to be holding their own. They're now pretty much 100% of the flock, with even the grumpiest hen leaving them alone . . .with one small hitch. During the integration my bantam fleur d'uccle was broody, and spent all of her time in the nest box with imaginary chicks of her own. Now she's coming out of the broodiness, and she's going after the babies whenever she sees them! They're about her size, and all are terrified of her craziness. I know they'll soon be bigger than her, and she isn't hurting any of them, but it's a twist I wasn't exactly prepared for . . . even the best-laid plans are subject to revision when a banty is involved.
Now she's coming out of the broodiness, and she's going after the babies whenever she sees them!
I had a broody during integration time this year too, I broke her in a crate, she was also the most aggressive towards the chicks(and most everyone else too). She seems to have calmed down tho after a week.
I originally had 4 hens a couple years ago and I integrated them as 6 week old chicks and kept them in there and the flock didn't really hold a grudge against them, they actually got along really well. Probably sometimes pecked when they ate but that was it. I also tried to integrate a hen that was about 2 years and there was a lot of fighting. Had to keep them separated and get them slowly introduced.
Just yesterday I put my 5 1/2 week old chicks in with my 3 1/2 old hens. The chicks have been in their own coop in the run with the others they were 3 days old. About 2 weeks ago I opened up their coop into the run but kept them closed off from the rest of the run by using a dog pen. So they were able to get out of their coop and experience some of the run without the other hens bothering them. So the entire time they older hens could see but not touch. Yesterday I decided to let them out with the bigs girls. I had to shore up some places where one of the littles could perhaps get through, and then I let them out. Since I got the littles in aug, there was no need for any extra light as it was 80 + degrees here in Houston at night. I kept an eye out on them all day and for the most part things have gone well. I had to toss the littles in the big coop last night but that was pretty easy. Never again will I have chicks in the house. This was just way too easy!

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