Integrating chicks into flock at 4 weeks old.

I threw my little 4 week old troublemakers in with the established flock (consisting of just 2 roosters and 2 hens) and let them figure it out themselves. Seems to work fine, the older chickens will leave them alone until it's feeding time... then you will see come Chuck Norris action.
I threw my little 4 week old troublemakers in with the established flock (consisting of just 2 roosters and 2 hens) and let them figure it out themselves. Seems to work fine, the older chickens will leave them alone until it's feeding time... then you will see come Chuck Norris action.

What time of year did you do it and had the chicks been in a warm environment right before you threw them out there?
What time of year did you do it and had the chicks been in a warm environment right before you threw them out there?
Winter. And before that I had them in the brooder with heat lamp. Sometimes you just gotta let them figure it out.......... sort of like when my mother dropped me off at the daycare at 3 years old or whatever. Granted, I cried my eyes out horrified by all these strangers everywhere but I made it through relatively unscathed (minus the abandonment issues that still bothers me to this day).
Winter. And before that I had them in the brooder with heat lamp. Sometimes you just gotta let them figure it out.......... sort of like when my mother dropped me off at the daycare at 3 years old or whatever. Granted, I cried my eyes out horrified by all these strangers everywhere but I made it through relatively unscathed (minus the abandonment issues that still bothers me to this day).

Okay that's the part I was worried about. Going straight from being warm to the cold.

I can sympathize with the trauma and abandonment issues, I have plenty.

3 week old chicks really do not need heat, but rather a huddle box.
I did make them a huddle box out of an empty box, lined with the insulation from a Home Chef shipment and then put inside a pillow case. Added some of the pine shavings inside.

20190220 Huddle box.jpg

As soon as the sun goes down, I'll put them in the box and turn off the light.
Turning off the light at night is what I do. Then listen. Cold chicks are madly peeping chicks, it should get nearly silent when they are in there. At first I had to push them in there, but then they just relax and get quiet. A broody hen is dark all night, I think it is good for them to have a night!
Turning off the light at night is what I do. Then listen. Cold chicks are madly peeping chicks, it should get nearly silent when they are in there. At first I had to push them in there, but then they just relax and get quiet. A broody hen is dark all night, I think it is good for them to have a night!

I just checked on them and they're still in the box and the silence is golden! I agree they need to have night. Thank you again for the huddle box suggestion. :)
They did pretty good most of the night but sometime early morning (after the last time I checked on them at 4 am), the pillow case came out of the inside of the box. They were huddled in the corner and didn't want to go back in the box.

I tried to find a heating pad to make them a Mama Heating pad but so far haven't found one w/o an auto shut off. So I used double sided tape and also sewed the case to the box and we're using it again tonight.

They also met Ophelia today, she went in their crate and ate some of their food, so far she is not impressed with them. So tomorrow, they will meet her in her space with a safety zone.
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We had 6 week old chicks in a pen next to the adults and one got into the adult pen. They scalped him and he had to be stitched up. I am pretty sure they would kill 4 week old chicks.
If not properly integrated, yes, however many of us here routinely integrate at 3-4 weeks with no isdue

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