Integrating chicks question


May 3, 2019
South East Michigan
Hi I'm new to chicken keeping and was given a chicken (a silver laced wyandotte) by my neighbor, not wanting it to be alone I placed an order for some chicks and they are about 2 maybe 3 weeks younger than the one from my neighbor and there are 5 of them, 4 bantams and one Plymouth rock standard size. I kept them in the same brooder as the older chicken but divided by a screen they got along well enough but it became time for the older chicken to move outside now it's time for the rest to join her in the coop. I've read its best not to introduce just a single chicken to a flock and that you should lock them in the coop for 2 days without letting them out so they return there at night. Can anyone give me some advice on how to put the 5 younger ones (5/6 weeks old) in with the lone 7/8 week old in the least traumatic way possible?
I'd bite the bullet and put them out there and monitor the situation. Since she is somewhat larger, and given the age of all of them, I doubt that the younger chicks will give her a difficult time. She on the other hand may peck at them a bit. As long as everyone gets to eat and drink, and no blood is drawn let them work things out.
I'd bite the bullet and put them out there and monitor the situation. Since she is somewhat larger, and given the age of all of them, I doubt that the younger chicks will give her a difficult time. She on the other hand may peck at them a bit. As long as everyone gets to eat and drink, and no blood is drawn let them work things out.
That's kinda what I was thinking. I give them supervised play dates and the younger ones get hassled a little for the first half hour or so then things seem to settle out. Ive heard its best to make the introductions at bed time or when the chicks have a lot to distract them, what time of day would you suggest for the big addition?
I'm not big on the 'do it at night and all will be fine in the morning' theory. I would integrate during the day when I could monitor the situation and intervene if things got out of control.
You've been given good advice. I think since the older chick has been alone, she may like being part of a flock. Good luck and be sure update us, with pics if possible!

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