We bought three pullets about a month ago. We lost one of the pullets last week
We discovered an injury and infection a few days after we got her home from the breeder, but by that time it was too late to save her
We also discovered poultry lice on one of the other pullets when we got home
It took us three weeks to fully clear up the problem. Obviously we aren't going back to that breeder again. Being such newbies to chicken owning, we were sorely naive about buying from local breeders, and didn't know all of the dangers and concerns until we ran into them first hand. Now we know the signs to look for, and that it's not worth the potential risk just to get a special breed or color.
So we have two "pullets", and just finally accepted the reality that one of them is actually a boy! We live in the city, and it simply isn't an option for us to have a rooster, so we're in the process of rehoming him. Now we are down to the unexpected problem of trying to integrate a single young chicken into an existing flock of nine. Our first thought was to try to buy a couple more pullets around her age, integrate them to her first, and then integrate this new flock in with our older girls. Unfortunately we can't find any pullets within an hour drive that fit the age range!
My question is - have we set ourselves up for an impossible task? Is there a way to safely integrate a single bird into an existing flock? Currently she is roughly 13 weeks old, and our older girls are all about 7 months old. For now, her and her boyfriend
are living in a brooding pen in our garage, and have supervised free range in the evenings with the older girls.
So we have two "pullets", and just finally accepted the reality that one of them is actually a boy! We live in the city, and it simply isn't an option for us to have a rooster, so we're in the process of rehoming him. Now we are down to the unexpected problem of trying to integrate a single young chicken into an existing flock of nine. Our first thought was to try to buy a couple more pullets around her age, integrate them to her first, and then integrate this new flock in with our older girls. Unfortunately we can't find any pullets within an hour drive that fit the age range!
My question is - have we set ourselves up for an impossible task? Is there a way to safely integrate a single bird into an existing flock? Currently she is roughly 13 weeks old, and our older girls are all about 7 months old. For now, her and her boyfriend