Integrating with mean hens


5 Years
Jul 4, 2018
Greater Bay Area, Vallejo, California
I’ve integrated chicks before and thought I knew what to do but I have a new situation. I lost one of my best hens to our heat wave a couple of weeks ago and that has thrown the pecking order into chaos. I have 6 week old pullets who were foster raised by a broody Easter Egger. They’re in a separate coop within my larger chicken run. My problem is two of my hens have gotten quite ugly and are trying to fight the foster mother. The two meanies mostly leave the chicks alone but the battles are getting quite dangerous between the mother hen and the two mean ones especially when they gang up on her. I’m afraid to leave the whole flock in the run together. The strange thing is the mother hen has always been the most peaceable and calm hen but when it comes to defending her chicks, wow!

I have a “chicken jail” but I can only confine one hen in there and the two meanies don’t get along well either so I’m afraid confining both in chicken jail will lead to more bloodshed.

Help! These chicks are growing fast and need to be integrated with the flock soon, but how do I solve the conflict among the grown hens?
First I have never used them, but the reviews are excellent. Secondly, IMO you need to get this stopped ASAP. Thirdly you really cannot wait, the chicks are getting bigger. Fourthly - it sounds like you have limited space options.

So you need a quick solution, to get you over this hump of integration. The thing is, the longer you let bullying go, the worse it gets, and it can become a long time habit.

The other option is to cull those old mean birds. As you have pullets coming up, maybe that would be a good solution. But if you want to keep them, I would get the peepers ASAP.

If the peepers don't work, then you better cull the old ladies.

Mrs K
First I have never used them, but the reviews are excellent. Secondly, IMO you need to get this stopped ASAP. Thirdly you really cannot wait, the chicks are getting bigger. Fourthly - it sounds like you have limited space options.

So you need a quick solution, to get you over this hump of integration. The thing is, the longer you let bullying go, the worse it gets, and it can become a long time habit.

The other option is to cull those old mean birds. As you have pullets coming up, maybe that would be a good solution. But if you want to keep them, I would get the peepers ASAP.

If the peepers don't work, then you better cull the old ladies.

Mrs K
Culling is my last option. These aren’t old ladies, they’re only 2 years old and two of my best layers. Everyone got along until Olive went broody and Emu died. Then the chicken s**t hit the fan with behavior. I think I’ll give the peepers a try. It’s one of those things I swore I would never use but when needs must!
I think if you put just one of the meanies in the cage it would take care of things. They could even take turns. I think the mama could take care of one mean hen, just not two. You might even find that it is only one mean hen that gets mean.
Believe me, chicken jail has gotten a workout these past couple of weeks. Incarcerating one at a time just isn’t working. I think I’m taking the advice from above and trying the peepers. I really don’t want to get rid of any of the combatants.
do report back how it goes!

In my mind you have to rate things. When comparing to constant fighting, and physical abuse, well the peepers don't look so bad.

It is frustrating when one you had an established flock and all was working. But different birds take tight confinement differently. Try the peepers, or reconsider your numbers.

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