Integration of new chicks with older ones


Apr 3, 2022
Northeast Florida
I have two white leghorns and two blue Australorp, all of which are 12 weeks old in my coop/ run. They are very sweet natured. I also have two black Australorps and two speckled Sussex that are 2 weeks and two days. They younger ones I am keeping indoors in a brooder setup. I am in Northeast Florida and the nights get to the low 70s, while the days get in the 90s. I am thinking of putting the younger ones in the coop and run, but in a portion of a coop that I had from a sentinel coop I bought from tractor supply. It is completely enclosed with hw cloth with a door going in and out (the same one the big gir used when they were younger). I plan on keeping the door closed for a while so they can get used to each other. The smaller enclosure will have food and water of their own, as well. What is a good time to begin this process? How long do I keep them separated? Any suggestions are appreciated.
I have two white leghorns and two blue Australorp, all of which are 12 weeks old in my coop/ run. They are very sweet natured. I also have two black Australorps and two speckled Sussex that are 2 weeks and two days. They younger ones I am keeping indoors in a brooder setup. I am in Northeast Florida and the nights get to the low 70s, while the days get in the 90s. I am thinking of putting the younger ones in the coop and run, but in a portion of a coop that I had from a sentinel coop I bought from tractor supply. It is completely enclosed with hw cloth with a door going in and out (the same one the big gir used when they were younger). I plan on keeping the door closed for a while so they can get used to each other. The smaller enclosure will have food and water of their own, as well. What is a good time to begin this process? How long do I keep them separated? Any suggestions are appreciated.
This is a perfect plan to start right now. The babies are old enough to be outside, the temps should be fine for them. Ideally with young birds in both flocks you should wait until the smaller group gets to be closer in size to the older. Watch how they interact, you can always separate again if needed and try again. Provide a warm spot for the babies though in case they want or need it. Even just a warm, draft free space with some straw to snuggle together in should be fine in those temps.

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