Integration - should I add second waterer and feeder? Please HELP!


7 Years
Mar 20, 2012
Southern PA
Hi guys :)

So I added three new birds to my flock five days ago. They were in a side by side pen for a week before that. All are about the same age - seven weeks now.

The existing flock (of eight) has been less than accommodating. They do some protecting of the food and water, and some chasing of the new guys. The new ones always stick together, and spend most of their time trying to avoid being noticed. They go in the coop at night and will snuggle up with the other chickens, but I have noticed a feather or two each morning in the coop, from the new salmon faverolle roo.

They all eat and drink together in the morning, but the new ones hide out and wait for the other chickens to leave the feeder before they go over there for the rest of the day, and sometimes one of the other chickens will come over and shoo them off. We did have two out, but took the second one away, hoping they would be forced to get along better.

Oh and the "shooing" behavior is an old-flock chicken runs up to the new chicken and gives them one peck on the back, and then maybe chases them under the coop. Then they leave them alone.

My husband thinks we should let them figure it out, but I'm nervous that the new ones will end up sick. What do you guys think about this?
add a couple of waterers, and feeders several feet apart. That way all can keep their strength up. And if that is all they are doing, then wait. They will settle it, it is called pecking order for a reason. ugh!

But the more you interfer, the longer it takes..... unless they are killing one of them. Then you have to do something. It is a difficult thing to do, mix flocks together.


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