Hello... I have recently discovered Quail and am thinking about getting some Coturnix. I have read the Sticky and such... But, I still have some questions:
1) Do you prefer to keep them on wire or bedding (especially really cold weather, as I live in Maine)?
2) Is it possible to only keep like 1 male and 4-6 females or would it be more wise to keep lots?
3) What would be the best size house/cage (attached together) to keep the number that I want to? I understand the 1 sq ft per bird but is this accurate? And is that 1 sq ft per bird in the run, in the coop, or both?
4) At what age do you switch from the Medicated Game Bird Starter to Regular Game Bird Feed?
5) Is there a light that you use to keep them laying? I have heard of using christmas lights?
6) Do you usually loose chicks when they are small or are they fairly hardy chicks?
I'm sure that I will think of more but this is all for now... Thank you in advance! I will post more questions as I think of them!
1) Do you prefer to keep them on wire or bedding (especially really cold weather, as I live in Maine)?
2) Is it possible to only keep like 1 male and 4-6 females or would it be more wise to keep lots?
3) What would be the best size house/cage (attached together) to keep the number that I want to? I understand the 1 sq ft per bird but is this accurate? And is that 1 sq ft per bird in the run, in the coop, or both?
4) At what age do you switch from the Medicated Game Bird Starter to Regular Game Bird Feed?
5) Is there a light that you use to keep them laying? I have heard of using christmas lights?
6) Do you usually loose chicks when they are small or are they fairly hardy chicks?
I'm sure that I will think of more but this is all for now... Thank you in advance! I will post more questions as I think of them!