Sponsored Post Interested in learning about a new chopped straw bedding option?

We appreciate your questions so don't feel sorry for asking :) Other advantages to working with straw that has been chopped are that it is easier to clean the shorter straw as opposed to longer straw that you have in a regular bale of straw - it just seems to be easier to pick up with your pitch forks. Also, you don't have to replace as much bedding if you are someone who picks out the soiled bedding and want to leave the areas that aren't soiled. Other advantage is that after our straw is chopped and it is feeding over a conveyor belt to the packaging process the dust and dirt can be extracted from the straw. Another advantage is that we can compress and bag the straw which will allow to keep your straw protected from the weather and if transporting the product in a car / SUV, etc. you won't have a mess in your vehicle.

You asked about shipping. While we can ship directly to a person, we find that the shipping costs for example for a single pallet are just too costly for someone to do. We currently work with a distributor in Washington State and are distributed through the West Coast area of the United States. We are working to find a distributor in other areas of the United States and hope we can make it happen! We certainly appreciate everyone's interest in our products! Thank you all so much!
All straw will be treated. This is the only reason my farm cannot be certified organic. If you want un treated straw.. go straight to the farmer. You can get a 1200 lb round wheat straw bale from a farmer for 90$ and more than likely he would shred it for you for free in 5 minutes.
Only if the farmer doesn't spray the grain plant the straw is a waste product of.

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