interesting egg


In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 29, 2008
My young Ameraucana layed this today. Smooth tiffany blue on one half sand paper ruff darker blue on other half. My flock is on the last day of Terramycin because of mystery illnness that killed one bird and made another close to death before treatment. They are also getting electrolytes and have had a breakfast of yogurt bread mash for a few days.

What do you think and have you had an egg that felt like sand paper before?

We get sandpaper shells every once in a while. Usually the 'sandpaper' part is much more pronounced on one end of the egg. We've always written it off to the chicken eating something out of the ordinary. It typically happens once or twice, and then the chicken goes back to normal. I'm not aware of it being a problem, but I always feel sorry for the girl who laid it! LOL!

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