Interesting new chick.


May 17, 2018
We just hatched this cute little guy, and he has slight leg feathering.
His mother does have BCM influence but is a clean leg bird. The rooster would be either a wyodenett/bcm cross also clean legged or a Lohmann Brown but he is quite a bit younger.

I hope he/she is a she and keeps that feathering. I find it so intresting one of the birds must be the chick came out like this for sire a great surprise.
I do have BCM but this egg was labeled and tossed in to see if the young roosters were getting it done ... Clearly lol

Ill try to post a pic its hard to capture with the cell. Its hard to see it pic: but for sure some fuzz.

You can see it more on the left leg sticking out


Cute little thing anyway!

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