Internal Egg??? help *** PHOTO Added*

Sorry, but I can't help, but I would like to see what others say. I had a hen with a hard red bottom right below her vent, but I don't know what it was and I could only figure she was an internal layer. I could not feel a egg. I gave her to a friend and made sure my friend knew she had a problem. It has been a few days and I have not heard anything....that can be good and bad.
Allison's external blob was also smushy until it hardened and then fell off. She healed nicely and is now comfortably in her cage waiting for the second coop to finish. Hang in there. The main thing is to keep it clean. And if you can, keep her in the dark for a good part of the day so that she stops egg production. Producing eggs takes a lot out of their system, and she needs what she can get to recover.

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