International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

Quick question. When is too early of an age to put a young cockerel (he’s 8 weeks old) with full grown hens? My friend wants one that I have extra. No other young birds would go with him, he’d go solo. I can keep him until he’s older, no biggie, I just want him to be safe & ready to go for her :) Thank you

Older hens will whip the snot out of a solo and strange 8 week old cockerel. I wouldnt put him with hens until he is around 5-6 months old or at least bigger than the hens so he can hold his own. The fact that he will be a newbie is a huge disadvantage and the hens may hurt him as they bully him. I have younger birds that mingle with my free ranged laying hens but they can evade the hens if they start getting bullied.
Older hens will whip the snot out of a solo and strange 8 week old cockerel. I wouldnt put him with hens until he is around 5-6 months old or at least bigger than the hens so he can hold his own. The fact that he will be a newbie is a huge disadvantage and the hens may hurt him as they bully him. I have younger birds that mingle with my free ranged laying hens but they can evade the hens if they start getting bullied.

^^^ yup. Chester at 7lbs and raised by a broody still gets the beat down daily from my 2 yr old hens. Way worse than the bantam Cochin roo in the same flock. The weather finally warmed up enough that I feel they can create enough heat to stay healthy so today we gave away the roo and most of the hens so he can have a more peaceful life.

Hens are brutal! The pullet he was brooded with has no issues and never did.
Here is the cockerel I had posted pics of a while back. He looked pretty good then but now he is looking very hatchet chested (lacks breast depth) and has a high tail. He does have nice grey underfluff though, no white so far so I'm tempted to keep him just for that (for now) until I see better cockerels. This is a perfect example of why you have to grow cockerels out so long. They change a lot.. in my case not for the better.

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He looks familiar.... I could swear he escaped from my yard. All the same problems. I will say this though. I separated the cockerels and hens yesterday and just started really looking at them. I don't agonize or scrutinize them too hard because like you say they are going to change but today some of them are looking fine. I will take pictures soon for feedback. Your cockerel does have some nice qualities. You are so diligent with keeping up with records. I am sure you would improve him. Is this the one you were going to show?
He looks familiar.... I could swear he escaped from my yard. All the same problems. I will say this though. I separated the cockerels and hens yesterday and just started really looking at them. I don't agonize or scrutinize them too hard because like you say they are going to change but today some of them are looking fine. I will take pictures soon for feedback. Your cockerel does have some nice qualities. You are so diligent with keeping up with records. I am sure you would improve him. Is this the one you were going to show?

No this is his brother. He is from Apollo and Sheraz (line A). He had a perfect tail angle just two weeks ago and great shape! Now he is all triangular shaped with that dang high tail. It's maddening! I am going to keep the best one out of the group just because if anything I need to work on the white underfluff even if their tails are high, until a better one comes along anyway. I will just keep my fingers crossed for a nicer male from Maximus and his ladies. I am really looking forward to seeing their sons grow out.

I'm going to hang onto cockerels as long as I can to watch them grow out. I am looking to invest in a good electric pressure cooker to cook the tough birds in when we cull them. I've been told even a tough older rooster gets tender in a pressure cooker. Or there is always coq au vin as you say! Cook them in some wine, low and slow. I've never had coq au vin but I am adding it to my list of things to try. Do you have a good recipe?
No this is his brother. He is from Apollo and Sheraz (line A). He had a perfect tail angle just two weeks ago and great shape! Now he is all triangular shaped with that dang high tail. It's maddening! I am going to keep the best one out of the group just because if anything I need to work on the white underfluff even if their tails are high, until a better one comes along anyway. I will just keep my fingers crossed for a nicer male from Maximus and his ladies. I am really looking forward to seeing their sons grow out.

I have come to the conclusion that I'm going to hang onto cockerels as long as I can to watch them grow out. I am afraid I will cull one too early and miss out on a nice bird. But I am looking to invest in a good electric pressure cooker to cook the tough birds in when we cull them. I've been told even a tough older rooster gets tender in a pressure cooker. Or there is always coq au vin as you say! Cook them in some wine, low and slow. I've never had coq au vin but I am adding it to my list of things to try. Do you have a good recipe?
Just google Ina Garten Coq au Vin. It is very good!
No this is his brother. He is from Apollo and Sheraz (line A). He had a perfect tail angle just two weeks ago and great shape! Now he is all triangular shaped with that dang high tail. It's maddening! I am going to keep the best one out of the group just because if anything I need to work on the white underfluff even if their tails are high, until a better one comes along anyway. I will just keep my fingers crossed for a nicer male from Maximus and his ladies. I am really looking forward to seeing their sons grow out.

I'm going to hang onto cockerels as long as I can to watch them grow out. I am looking to invest in a good electric pressure cooker to cook the tough birds in when we cull them. I've been told even a tough older rooster gets tender in a pressure cooker. Or there is always coq au vin as you say! Cook them in some wine, low and slow. I've never had coq au vin but I am adding it to my list of things to try. Do you have a good recipe?
Marans are a challenge! It seems like there is always something. Maybe it's the challenge that makes us love them so much. Now my challenge will be to keep mine. My husband wants me to only keep like 6 and get rid of the rest. That would be a lot of chicken dinner. :(
No this is his brother. He is from Apollo and Sheraz (line A). He had a perfect tail angle just two weeks ago and great shape! Now he is all triangular shaped with that dang high tail. It's maddening! I am going to keep the best one out of the group just because if anything I need to work on the white underfluff even if their tails are high, until a better one comes along anyway. I will just keep my fingers crossed for a nicer male from Maximus and his ladies. I am really looking forward to seeing their sons grow out.

I'm going to hang onto cockerels as long as I can to watch them grow out. I am looking to invest in a good electric pressure cooker to cook the tough birds in when we cull them. I've been told even a tough older rooster gets tender in a pressure cooker. Or there is always coq au vin as you say! Cook them in some wine, low and slow. I've never had coq au vin but I am adding it to my list of things to try. Do you have a good recipe?

I think you are right about hanging on to them for more than 4 months or so. They really change!

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