International Poultry Expo


The truth is out there...
12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Is anyone planning to go to the international poultry expo this year? It's a commercial poultry expo and geared more towards those working in the field, but I figured I'd ask. It's in Atlanta, Georgia and I just bought my plane tickets and registration for the expo! I'm very excited to attend this year (and hoping maybe to make some good job contacts!) it was all a very spare of the moment decision to go, but I'm so happy it is working out!
Is anyone planning to go to the international poultry expo this year? It's a commercial poultry expo and geared more towards those working in the field, but I figured I'd ask. It's in Atlanta, Georgia and I just bought my plane tickets and registration for the expo! I'm very excited to attend this year (and hoping maybe to make some good job contacts!) it was all a very spare of the moment decision to go, but I'm so happy it is working out!
Never thought about it, but I'm just a spit away --- when is it? Is there something for small flock owners to enjoy?
I'm not sure if they have much for small flock owners since it's my first year going. I think it's more geared towards commercial poultry operations, but you can take a look at the website! I searched IPPE poultry on Google. Registration is $50.

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