Intervention Needed

Can't answer that for fear of being pecked.
Hey PC did you see the post on those mountain quail?...those look real nice!..i think you need those also!!....Muuawahawaha<<<thats my evil laugh).........also guys..i just think its fair to tell you(sorry PC..i think they should know the truth)..that yes, yes PC IS indeed broody right now!!....its a side affect of not finishing his meds from that awful disease he had a couple of weeks ago....
old.gif should have finished the meds PC!!..
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He's in denial... PURE unadulterated denial...
Hello, my name is purple chicken, and well... I like purple chickens...

I do like purple chickens.

I'm not in denial. I'm hooked on hatching. It gets worse every year at
this time. I'm not sure why.

Do you think I may be broody?

We are simply here to have people break through the denial.
However, we are also here to enable every one that does admit to their disease to go forth and hatch, hatch and hatch some more.
It is just theraputic, we would only become crazed and disorientated without the bator full and the days a counting.

I think this thread is designed to try to make me feel "normal".

Here is the conversation at my house:

Me: "We have to many chickens."

Wife: "No we don't."

Me: "Good, I have more eggs coming."

All my weekends are spent building housing, and there is really no end in sight.
The problem with me lately is that I have such good breeders here I don't even need to hatch
I just buy and trade chickens left and right ! I am up to 16 by the end of this month I will probably be up to about 20
don't tell mom and dad even more birds are coming and right before I leave for the mountain school they know about the 16 but now the 4 that might be coming !
Its a Christmas present to myself
i really need a 'bator!!..i'm starting to get the itch!...*can you catch things through the net???*...
Oh yeah, it's contagious as all get-out! Now, PC, repeat after me,

"Hi, my name is.... (PC), and I'm addicted to hatching.
I realize that the first step toward recovery is admitting I have a problem...."

Hahahaah! Yeah, right, Cleopatra, like that'll ever happen! When your wife finds you sitting in a crate with your britches full of eggs I think she's gonna catch on!

Yes Redhen, you can catch things from the net. They are called viruses
: They hit you when you least suspect it. You could be sitting at your computer casually browsing
: and then wham! Out of the blue
: you never know what hit you.

Scientists have discovered that they go from your harddrive through your mouse into your body.
: You will be overcome with the need to hatch eggs.
: and see little furrbutts running around

Unfortunately they have found that there is no cure for this disease except to hatch eggs.

The disease can be diminished slightly by enabling others to hatch fuzzybutts instead of you! However eventually, it gets the better of you and you have to buy yet another incubator to hatch out more and more chickies!
We are slaves to the chicken gods! They have us under their power and spells. (see BYC for notes on Silkie chickens and their mind bending powers)

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