*interview questions 4 report*


some of you had interesting answers
i got all i needed for my report, but if you like, you could keep on telling me a/b your chickens. these stories make me glad i got my chickens
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1. Oh yes we enjoy them - they have way more personality than I thought they possibly could. I've enjoyed them much more than traditional pet birds like parakeets and lovebirds. They're easier to care for, easier to breed and even more affectionate.

2. They love the treats we bring and get very excited to see us. They follow me around and when you turn around to catch them at it, they start scratching the ground all nonchalant.
1) Yes, We love having chickens. It used to be just me, the mom's favorite hobby. Now the whole family has their favorites.

2) Our chickens interact with all of us in different ways. We have chickens in pens, some in coops outside that get out to play in the yard, and some in special cages in the house. When we let the special house chickens out, they visit everyone and like to chase cats. Outside chickens like to come running for treats, and some follow me around like a puppy would. I have chickens that ride on my shoulder like parrots. The chickens in pens only want food.
1) Yes! They're so much fun to watch and they fulfill my personal need to own more pets (without having to bring anymore inside the house) - this keeps my husband happy.

2) They interact mostly with me because they've learned I'm the "treat lady". So when they see me they'll come running to see if I have any goodies for them. The baby chicks I have right now don't seem to like us handling them, but they sure do like us being there - they'll wake up and start playing. It's very cute.
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(1.) Yes, I love having chickens.

(2.) I love to let the chickens out to free range. They come running
out the door as if children running to the only swing on the playground. We get to collect fresh eggs everyday and they keep bugs out of the garden. Our chickens come running when we holler here chick-chick-chick they know it's time for a treat. When we sit on the porch they always come to chat and make sure we have no bugs on us and keep us company while we do the outside chores. Some chickens will sit in our lap and let us pet them, but some are too shy. Sophie dosen't mind if you pet her babies, but Hazel will make a ruckus if you even try to pet her young'uns. They all have a different personality and their shenangins are hilarious.

Laura Beth in KY..
Yes I enjoy chickens, I had them when I was a teenager and now an old man of 50+ years I have them again. They are friendly and nice to have just like a dog. Except dogs don't lay eggs, which is a plus in having chickens.
I've just gotten my first chicks this year after retiring. They are 9 wks old.
They've gotten used to me and come running when I enter the coop. I have eight different breeds and some come close and let me pet them. All will come if I hold out my hand with food. When they were little and could jump up on the edge of the broody bin they would jump up when I tapped on it and let me pet them. The more time I spend with them the friendlier they become.
Delawares and Buff orpingtons seem to be the friendliest of the breeds I have. I have Delawares, Dominiques, Buff Orpingtons, Black Australorps, Cuckoo Marans, Golden Wyandottes, Silver Wyandottes, 3 of each, and 4 Red Frizzles. I wanted to see which breed I liked the best, so I got an assortment. I'd like to get some Javas, Buckeyes, Red Chantecler and Speckled Sussex also. Hope this helps, Rancher Hicks
here are the questions for chicken owners:
1) do you enjoy having chickens? Yes, I do enjoy having chickens. The simplicity of the daily work is actually a form of daily wind-down or relaxation from my busy lifestyle.
2) how do your chickens interact with you/your family I have a couple of chickens with interesting personalities. I have a silkie hen that runs to people hoping to be held and petted. I have a rooster named Jelly that adores grapes and grape jam. He will sit on your lap and be your friend for anything grape. My chickens weed my yard and naturally remove ticks/ants and other pests from my yard and our family appreciates that.

Good Luck, Mrs. W
Yes, I love my chickens.

I work the deep night shift in a busy trauma center. I come home every morning to my pets - chickens, dogs, and parrots. I love seeing the (smuggled in) Roo welcome the day with his crows, the hens grabbing treats from my hands and the daily Easter egg hunt.
I think of my chickens as my mental health break. After seeing some of the things people do to themselves and each other, I need my chickens to remind my that the world is still ok.
I guess I don't just love my chickens - I need them.
Especially when I broke my jaw several months ago and lost so much weight. If it weren't for the daily 'doses' of scrambled eggs to go with the liquid diet - I am sure I would have almost starved to death. So, they are medicinal for me as well since I have to have more surgery on my jaw soon.

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