Into the Incubator...


10 Years
Aug 23, 2009
Western North Carolina
The incubator is about to have it's farewell encore for the season. Today, a small lot of mainly bantam eggs is going in. Tomorrow they will be joined by duck eggs. And hopefully in a week or so, another small lot of chicken eggs. 3 goose eggs are going into my still air incubator tomorrow as well. All compliments of Hippiechick, Backswampgirl, and Chicken_China_Mom.

I'm marking my calendar presently and hoping that the little Ova-nauts land ok.
Mine got put away last week. Hatched some bobwhite quail and now I'm looking forward to a dust free house this winter.......
Good luck with your hatch!
Thank you. I had intended to put the incubator away too, but the duck eggs were too hard to say no to, so I didn't.

From about Saturday through the weekend, I kept collecting eggs from the barn also. I got the last five eggs last night, but I should stop before the hatch times spread out too much. I am still waiting on some shipped eggs. Hopefully by the end of October, everyone will be in the brooder.

Today, though...I saw my first ever duck heartbeat inside a Khaki Campbell egg. I didn't candle all of them, but I grabbed one randomly near the end of the turner. Brand new baby duckling!
I know what you matter how many times I hatch eggs, it's still just as fascinating as the first time.......
The first eggs wound up in the hatching incubator early and I'm hand turning for a few days before they have to go on lock down. I feel jittery. Last time I had two small bantams hatch on day 18 (Japanese probably as the seller said she had Japanese, but they are growing with Serama posture, so I'm not sure).

Anyway, I have 7 eggs that made it into the hatching incubator from this same seller. I should add that they were misc eggs she collected that day, so I haven't got a clue what I have, other than one is definitely Bantam EE. The rest for this hatch are barn eggs I grabbed before the cool nights started. (I expected the hens would stop laying but I have hatches on the 16th, 18th, 21st, ducks and a goose on the 23rd, and more chicks on the 31st.)
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The first 4 chicks out of 21 hatched today. I wanted to write in before my internet goes down again. 2 Buff Orpington mixes, 1 Silkie or Frizzle, and 1 I'm not sure about. The chick is standard sized and black its egg was an orangey brown, more orange than terra cotta.

The two Buff Orpington eggs came from my barn and the other two came from an eBay order of mixed eggs. I've ordered from her before and she always seems to surprise me with breeds she didn't list in the auction.
Another Buff Orpington cross is slowly zipping the shell.

The hatchings are spread over the next few days, but these are about a day ahead of schedule.
We have 6! One more Buff Orpington cross and one of the tiniest little bantams I've ever seen. It's close to the size of a quail chick. But the egg it came out of was pretty small.
I just had an EE chick hatch about an hour ago and now a PR is working its way out. Looks to be a long night for me. I didn't expect them to hatch because the temp kept dropping too low then go too high. It was almost inpossible to keep it straight this time. I have 7 more eggs going in when all these are done and then i'm done. Until spring anyway.

I lost my EE roo so I can't truthfully sell EE eggs for hatching if I can't at least say both parents are EE's. The other roo in the coop is an American Onagadori. Far cry from an EE. I figure I have 2 cockreals from the first hatch. I will keep 2 this time in case I loose one again.

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